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Justice4JP Responds to the White House Statement on the Pollard Case Today

The White House statement that its position on Jonathan Pollard has not changed, is not new and it is not news. Obviously, the White House position will remain the same up to the moment that a change is announced by President Obama, which has yet to occur.

If there were anything significant in the White House statement today, it was the additional comment that the White House position “will not change TODAY.” This comes as no surprise.

President Peres is making his request of President Obama TODAY to release Jonathan Pollard. As soon as a definite answer from Mr. Obama to Mr. Peres is made public, then and only then will we know whether or not Mr. Peres’ appeal for clemency for Jonathan was rejected or accepted.

At this time the fate of Jonathan Pollard continues to hang in the balance. The Pollards urge every one to intensify their efforts and to redouble their prayers.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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