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Excerpts Of The President’s Remarks At The Medal Of Freedom Dinner For President Peres Of Israel

As Prepared for Delivery –

“The United States is fortunate to have many allies and partners around the world. Of course, one of our strongest allies, and one of our closest friends, is the State of Israel. And no individual has done so much over so many years to build our alliance and bring our two nations closer as the leader we honor tonight—our friend, Shimon Peres.”

“…in him we see the essence of Israel itself—an indomitable spirit that will not be denied.”

“Shimon knows the necessity of strength. As Ben-Gurion said, “an Israel capable of defending herself—which cannot be destroyed—can bring peace nearer.” And so he’s worked with every American President since John F. Kennedy. And it’s why I’ve worked with Prime Minister Netanyahu to ensure that the security cooperation between the United States and Israel is closer and stronger than it has ever been. Because the security of the State of Israel is non-negotiable. And the bonds between us are unbreakable.

And yet, Shimon knows that a nation’s security depends, not just on the strength of its arms, but upon the righteousness of its deeds—its moral compass. He knows, as Scripture teaches, that we must not only seek peace, we must pursue it. And so it has been the cause of his life—peace, security and dignity, for Israelis and Palestinians and all Israel’s Arab neighbors.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

2 Responses

  1. tailor-made for an election year. …a great photo op that will go along with another photo op at the World Trade Center. We now know the true power of the presidency!!!

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