Highly Anticipated Rav Chaim Sefer Can’t Be Published Until Goal Is Met


Rabbi Yaakov Altman is one of the gabbaim who has the honor of being present each day in the holy home of Rav Chaim Kanievsky. Hundreds make their way in and out of the famous house’s walls each day, seeking brachos, guidance, and answers to their questions.

For many years, Rav Kanievsky has recorded his answers to the diverse questions of klal yisroel. Rabbi Altman & the rest of the editors have compiled them, and at last it has been completed: The second chapter in a collection of sha’alos & teshuvos from Sar HaTorah Rav Chaim Kanievsky on al of the holy holidays of the Jewish year.

Rav Kanievsky is a treasure in our time, a seemingly bottomless wellspring of Torah knowledge & wisdom. Now you & the rest of klal yisroel will have the opportunity to have the Gra”Ch as your companion through each part of the year, infusing your calendar with the deepest Torah insights from one of the true Gedolim of our generation.

However Rav Altman and the other editors have been met with a challenge:

The sefer will be published in both Hebrew & English. It costs $10,000 to publish each language. There are also others fees in involved with the project. This holy sefer cannot be released into the world until $25,000 has been raised.

All of those who donate will receive a bracha from Rav Kanievsky, the true depth & reverberations of which can never be truly grasped or understood. Those who give $180 or more will receive an exclusive copy of this sefer in exchange for your generosity.

This is our opportunity to have the incredible merit of being partners in publishing a sefer which undoubtedly remain a treasure to the Jewish people in generations to come. Do not miss your chance to say you had a portion in its impact.



2 Responses

  1. it is not certain that rav chaim would approve of raising funds for the publication of this sefer via the internet. it would not be surprising at all if someone asks him should they do it that he would say absolutely not.

  2. This thing stinks from start to finish…
    1. R’ Chaim can borrow money from ANYONE to print his sefer, just by selling copies he could make the money back and way more.
    2. I am 100% sure R’ Chaim would not approve of this fundraiser, in fact he definitely knows nothing about it.
    3. This seems very much like the israeli’s seeing how successful previous campaigns were (on thechessedfund), are saying ‘let’s see how much money we can get from these naive Chutzniks’.
    4. “Halts production because of lack of funds” seriously!? They started printing as if it was a vending machine then they were like ‘Oh no we don’t have any money left’.
    5. I doubt this is even the beginning of the ‘URGENT R CHAIM’ online fundraisers, as long as people keep on giving, whoever is behind these (Kupat Hair or whoever) will keep on pumping them out.
    6. Again i guarantee you R’ Chaim Kanievsky does not need a public fundraiser to raise money for his Sefer.

    Remeber there are Yidden which don’t have food for Shabbos…
    Make your own informed choice.

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