More In-Fighting Between Asra Kadisha & The Committee to Prevent Grave Desecration

Galei Yisrael Radio’s Menachem Tucker interviewed Arela Yachter regarding pashkavilim against him, accusing him of compromising kovod kevarim and being mechalel shabbos in the escalating dispute between Asra Kadisha and The Committee to Prevent Grave Desecration.

YWN-ISRAEL recently reported on a smoke bomb attack in the Jerusalem home of Rav Chaim Ozer Sternbuch that was followed by a phone threat of a future attack against Eida Ravaad, HaGaon HaRav Moshe Sternbuch Shlita in the ongoing dispute between Asra Kadisha and the Committee to Prevent Grave Desecration.

When asked to comment on pashkavilim posted against him, Yachter said “That is fine for as long as they spelled my name correctly. By coming out against me, they are against Rav Elyashiv, the Eida Chareidit and Rav Karelitz, Rav Shevach Rothenberg, the Gavaad Minchas Yitzchak, the Gavaad Rav Moshe Dushinsky.”

Yachter went on to question the pristine actions and intensions of Asra Kadisha, citing the recent attack against a 1,600 year-old Tiveria shul because it is under the auspices of the Israel Antiquities Authority.

Yachter cited many recent acts of violence believed tied to Asra Kadisha, violence in the streets and at excavation sites, as well as the attack against Rav Chaim Ozer Sternbuch.

“What about their acts of terror…they never agree to be interviewed, never give a name but are always attacking and then disappearing”.


They now claim that you were mechalel shabbos that you were interviewed by Channel 2 on Shabbos, which we know is nonsense. Even when they photographed you when you told them not to, that is what they mean? What is your response to these allegations? Can you sue them?


That Rav Smeidal was interviewed by Channel 2 that we do not know. That they are seen at Yavne waiting 20 minutes to move to the digging site, calling the camera crew and waiting 90 minutes for the camera crew to make sure they get on the air from Channel 2 that is not chilul shabbos? They knew it would not be aired abroad, only in Israel (laughing).

They are in Jaffa concerned about kevarim, protesting at Louis Pasteur Street when 500 meters away more damage is being done to kevarim than the site of their protest. Nesher, near Ramle, Route 44, anyone can come and see the destruction over the past 12 years day-in-and-day-out, all for money.

Their protests, chilul shabbos, bringing protestors on shabbos and the rock-throwing while the media is present photographing them. That’s not chilul shabbos.


What about the claim that you gave an interview on Shabbos?


I did what? I travel on shabbos? I give interviews on shabbos? I travel to the Nesher quarry to protest on shabbos.


So they are mechalel shabbos?


I don’t know who “they” are and the “high-ranking official”, quoted as the source of the attacks against me; we do not know his name. We do not know who he is. If the Eida Chareidis wishes to release letter, to publish letters…

Asra Kadisha compromises the integrity and position of gedolei yisrael, cause profound chilullei Hashem and simply do as it pleases. We see them operate and know where they are. I am not getting into money they owe people and don’t pay.


Clean or dirty money?


I was at a person who went to the Eida Chareidis, to one of the leading personalities, a leading dayan. We are talking about a great deal of black money that is paid to them to dig graves.


One thing is for certain, you know how to speak. Who is bigger, Asra or the Committee?


I guess this is one of the traits HKBH gave me. If they are waging a war against Arela Yachter then they are not too big, that is for certain.

I was with them until Jaffa. They would phone me and ask that I speak to the media, the TV and radio. It was all kosher. Since that day I did not cooperate I became the biggest sheigetz…

There is nothing to be afraid of. They are weak and if you confront them they run. They are the same as the sikrikim. They are one in the same and use them, showing photos of how they confront police and get money from Satmar in America, the ‘avreich who fought the police’. In actuality, the police wanted to send him home a few hours later by just signing he will not return to the protest site on Jaffa but he is instructed to refuse, to keep him behind bars to use him to get money from Satmar. He wants to remain in jail for fundraising. That is what interests them, that and chilul Hashem. Gedolei Yisrael have all come out against them. They are on the internet all day and write against others. The badatz doesn’t let them go on the internet. The very same “senior official” that granted an internet interview – did the badatz give him reshus? Who is he? Does he have a name?

I met with the Eida Chareidis and explain everything we do. Today we were in Beersheva. I explain everything to Rav Sternbuch and with haskoma from Rav Karelitz.


What about Yad Vashem?


I don’t know. It could be but don’t know. They use small children to wear a yellow star and then when they make a deal to let someone out and they tell him not to and he sits for two years. Anything is possible. They sell out their own people.


You were one of them.


Yes indeed and that is why I know. One of their goals is to increase hate against the chareidim and that is why they do what they do to turn people against the state.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. The Violent Elements who associate themselves with the Eida Chareidis such as the Sikrikim are a detrimental and dangerous element. They are misrepresenting true Da’as Torah and are causing a great deal of Chillul Hashem. They should all hede the words of Harav Shternbuch. Not a penny should go to those people.
    The Satmar Rov Z”ya makes a reference in Al Hageula V’al Hatmura (page 178) to certain ‘Kanoim’ amongst us who are harming our cause.
    Those people’s Kanous is not real. It was a lowlife from amongst them who spit on a little 8 year old girl. They could turn into Zionists in an instant. In fact they are not really against zionism even now. It’s just that they are board and have nothing to do all day and they get crazy and act crazy. They should find their way to Chutz Lo’oretz and find ways to make a parnoso. They have no business contaminating Eretz Hakodesh with their nonsense. May g-d bring them to do tshuva from all their aveiros and may we be zoche to true Gedolim and Manhigim to lead us the right way.

  2. #1 When a kehilla comes out with an idealogy of hatred to others, using strong and hateful language, anything and everything is a possibility. We see that that idealogy caused a meeting of the minds between the Iranian President and NK, descration of shabbos in Washington DC, Holocaust denial and now the destructive protest signatures at Yad Vshem.

  3. This is nothing more profound here than a territorial fight amongst rival groups. Each is worried that the other will drain away its sources of funding. After all there are only a limited number of people in the world will to support such an esoteric cause.

  4. #2 You may be right that it is possible that the focus should be less on hate for others who sometimes just don’t know better and more on what is true and fighting that which is wrong. You may be right that the embaressing examples you gave are indeed a result of this mistaken attitude.
    However, with that, it is important not to let go of what is true. And to fight and oppose that which is wrong, albeit in the right way. You would not suggest that an organization like “Yad L’Achim” should stop their activity would you?
    Zionism too just like other religions that started out from amongst the Jewish people is a trap. There is no solution to our Golus besides what G-d has told us. Blessed will be all of those who truly and sincerely advocate against it.

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