A Seat for Pollard at Yahrzeit for Rav Mordechai Eliyahu ZT”L

The yahrzeit for HaGaon HaRav Mordechai Eliyahu ZT”L will take place on Thursday, 24 Sivan 5772. The yahrzeit coincides with a bipartisan letter to President Barak Obama calling for Jonathan Pollard’s release along with a presidential visit to the White House by Shimon Peres.

The rav was very connected to Jonathan Pollard, and for a long time, the lone voice speaking on his behalf. At this year’s yahrzeit, there will be a chair for Pollard accompanied with the sincere hope that he will be a free man by that time.

Chaim Suissa, who heads the institution perpetuating the rav’s teachings, told the media “This is the biggest gift we could give to the rav’s neshama”.

“The rav always said that Pollard is the Yosef HaTzaddik of this generation and we are responsible to get him released. What could better please his neshama than Pollard’s release?”

The hilula for the rav will begin at Har Menuchos at 18:00.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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