Presenting…’The Shtiebel Discount Card’

Q: What do sushi, gym memberships, Shaklee products, Kikki Rikki shells, frozen yogurt, and groceries have in common?

A: They are all uniting together with a bunch of Brooklyn stores and vendors to support the Manhattan Beach “Shtiebel”, also known as Congregation Shaarey Torah.

Introducing “The Shtiebel Discount Card!” This white plastic card is your key to exclusive discounts at some of your favorite stores in the Brooklyn area. The card can be purchased online for $20, and is valid until December 1, 2012. You may use your card as often as every single day to receive discounts and savings at participating grocery stores, restaurants, and clothing shops.

The generous vendors realize the importance of building up the Jewish community in Manhattan Beach. Therefore they have decided to participate in The Shtiebel Discount Card. When you enter any of the participating stores that are listed on the card, you can present your card and enjoy great savings!

Kosher Palace Supermarket is offering 10% off any grocery purchase of $100 or more! (Who doesn’t need groceries?!) Benny’s Pizza Shop is offering a traditional pie of pizza for only $9.99! Shape Fitness is offering 25% off any membership option!!! Discount Card holders are entitled to 10% off any purchase of $25 or more at Meisner’s of Boro Park (Prepared Foods). Sweetnes Candy Shop is giving a delicious bag of popcorn with your $15 purchase. Tiliki Health Bar is presenting a free muffin on purchases under $50, and 10% off purchases over $50. Shaklee is offering 15% off any purchase of $50 or more on all natural health care, skin care and household cleaning products. By checking out the Shtiebel discount website, you can see some more great deals in stores like: 16 Handles Frozen Yogurt, Orchidea Restaurant, That Sushi Spot, Café K, Mr. Nosh (Chinese restaurant), and Adina’s (shells and hosiery).

By purchasing The Shtiebel Discount Card, you are donating $20 towards restoring torah learning and Jewish programs to the small, quiet suburban town of Manhattan Beach. There is currently a thriving Jewish community surrounding their beautiful shul. The shul’s members are from a diverse population, yet they join together and harmoniously come to learn and pray. Ashkenazim, Sfardim, and Chassidim form a close-knit kehillah at Congregation Shaarei Torah, which they affectionately call “The Shtiebel.”

About six years ago, the esteemed Rav of the shul, Rabbi Moshe Plutchok (musmach of R’ Chaim Pinchas Scheinberg z”tl), joined together with Rabbi Akiva Eisenstadt and some determined community members to build the community kollel, encouraging more young families to settle in Manhattan Beach. Their goal was to create a center that would reach out to Jews of all backgrounds and teach them about Yiddishkeit.

Since then, the Manhattan Beach Community Kollel has fulfilled this dream. Close to forty families have moved into the neighborhood and created a shul that is brimming with the excitement of Torah learning and a Torah life.

The kollel is comprised of 6 yungerleit, and there are a nice amount kollel alumni still living in the community. After spending their mornings in various kollelim and teaching positions in the greater New York area, these avreichim learn in the Shtiebel in the afternoons, where they focus on learning halachah l’maaseh, creating a ruach haTorah in the shul. In addition, many of the yungerleit give shiurim in the evenings and make themselves available for chavrusas with community members.

Another major project of the kollel is The Shtiebel, a weekly Torah journal that is distributed to dozens of shuls in the tristate area and a thousand people via email. Every week, yungerleit write original divrei Torah on the weekly sedrah, halachah, inyanei tefillah and Jewish thought. The journal is very accessible and is enjoyed by Jews of all backgrounds; many readers have said that it greatly enhances discussions at their Shabbos tables.

Proceeds from this promotion will go to help support the yungerleit, the shul, and all of its essential Torah programs that are revitalizing the Jewish community of Manhattan Beach.

The Shtiebel Discount Card can be purchased online by clicking HERE.

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