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NY GOP Announces Director Of Jewish Outreach

Today, The New York Republican State Committee announced Yossi Gestetner as the Director of Jewish Outreach.

During the last seven years, Mr. Gestetner has been a resilient voice for Conservative values and Republican ideals. Published and broadcast in a wide spectrum of Jewish media outlets, Yossi has illustrated his broad understanding and deep connection to members of the Jewish Community. For years, Yossi has worked with leaders and activists on a host of issues important to the Jewish Community and beyond.

The New York GOP looks forward to working closely with Yossi in creating a stronger New York for all.

(GOP Press Release)

5 Responses

  1. To gevaldikguy,

    There are many more of us Republican, Conservative (politically not religiously) Frum Jews all over the country! Many, many more than you could imagine.

  2. Any Torah Yid who is a Democrate is a fraud and taker and mesaye l’ovrai avairah,b/c Dem. are against The Shevah Mitsvos Bnai Noach.

  3. Couldn’t they get someone else who hasn’t been a spokesman for or associated with accused frum pedophiles? He’s certainly not my first choice. This position needs someone who chooses his clients better than he has.

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