Israeli Concerns Regarding Syria & WMD

Senior military and intelligence community officials in Israel are carefully monitoring the fighting in Syria. While many experts predict the imminent downfall of Bashar al-Assad, there are growing fears that weapons of mass destruction (WMD) including biological and chemical agents may fall into rebel hands and from there to Hizbullah.

Speaking to youths preparing for induction into the military, Defense Minister Ehud Barak on Monday, 21 Sivan 5772 explained “we don’t need a great deal of intelligence data. One simple has to watch TV to learn what the situation is”. Barak explained to the group just how government troops backed by Iran and Hizbullah are indiscriminately shooting citizens to death while the world “remains silent or fails to issue a hard line response”.

Barak explained that when the current regime falls, there will be increased concerns regarding the large quantity of weaponry in that country.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)


7 Responses

  1. What is the evidence of any WMD in Syria at all??? People talk about it, but show no evidence.

    On the other hand we know about the Medinah having 230 nuclear warheads……….

  2. NotSoNiceJew, the evidence for Syria’s WMD program is all over, including the N Korean facility that was destroyed last year. And why is it relevant how many warheads Israel has? Are you claiming that Israel is a danger to anyone, or that Syria has some sort of right to arm itself to attack Israel? No Jew would ever say such a thing, which is why I suspect that you are not one.

  3. “we don’t need a great deal of intelligence data. One simple has to watch TV to learn what the situation is”

    Is this Barak’s retirement speech?

  4. Nicejew what are you talking about??? Syria has the world’s LARGEST stockpile of chemical weapons b’n, there was never any question of that! You sound like you are confusing Syria with Iraq! And in any case what good do alleged nuclear weapons do if some of Syria’s non-conventional weapons were chas vechalilla to get into the hands of Hezbollah or some other Muslim terrorist organisation…??

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