YOU Can Make A Difference In The Lives Of Brain Injury Survivors…TODAY!


YOUR support will EMPOWER brain injury survivors on the road to recovery.

BINA is the ONLY organization in the Jewish community dedicated to helping survivors of brain injuries, and BINA needs YOUR help.

The brain is the MOST important organ in the human body and controls EVERYTHING we do. That’s why a brain injury can be so DEVASTATING.

CLICK HERE to help brain injury survivors

TOGETHER we can harness our collective brainpower and provide LIFESAVING assistance to brain injury survivors of all ages and their families who have NOWHERE else to turn.

YOUR support will allow us to ensure that no brain injury survivor is alone while on the long and difficult road to recovery.

Remember, it’s all or nothing, and we’re counting on YOU!

Nobody expects brain injury to strike.

When it does, BINA is there.

Today…be there for BINA.

BINA provides guidance and assistance to over 2,500 survivors of stroke and brain injury, many of them children and young adults, and their families whose lives have been unexpectedly shattered by a brain injury. Brain injuries resulting from falls, car accidents, strokes, aneurysms, brain tumors and other neurological conditions can affect every function including walking, speech, memory and behavior. Endorsed by leading brain injury specialists and professionals, BINA provides rehabilitation referrals, case management, crisis intervention, support and education, addressing every need and allowing brain injury survivors to achieve optimal recovery.   For more information, call 718-645-6400 or go to

CLICK HERE to help brain injury survivors

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