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Chareidim and Chilonim Face Off in Yerushalayim on Shabbos

Three protestors were arrested during a stormy shabbos in the Meah Shearim area as secularist got into a confrontation with chareidim on HaNevi’im Street.

According to reports, about 200 protestors were on hand to decry chilul shabbos in the capital; specifically referring to the city’s operating the Karta parking lot. The protest is a weekly event. This shabbos however, left-wing Jerusalem councilmen and supporters arrived to hold a counter protest. This included Meretz Councilman Pepe Alalu and supporters from Yerushalayim Chofshit.

Chareidim accuse the chilonim of simply arriving to provoke a dispute. Chareidim feel police acted inappropriately by only arresting chareidim, not any of the chiloni protestors who they feel were deserving of the same treatment. One of the men taken into custody is assigned by the Eida Chareidis to observe the weekly events and make certain they remain orderly. This they maintain adds weight to the chareidi claim that the arrests were unjustifiable.

The Facebook wall of the Yerushalayim Chofshit party stated “extremists who were violent tried to block HaNevi’im Street today” adding they used children as well. Yerushalayim Chofshit members were on hand along with police and we will continue to work to maintain the proper character of Jerusalem, our capital”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

11 Responses

  1. I don’t believe that it enhances anyone’s understanding or appreciation of the Shabbos by protesting it. I would prefer educating them and inviting them to enjoy a shabbos meal than engaging in these protests which only serve to deepen the divide between the two groups – and further alienate the secular Jews.

  2. So the Eida decry chillul Shabbos by…causing a chillul Shabbos.

    These kinds of protests only serve to create further sinas chinam in klal Yisrael and encourage mass bitul Torah among the hareidi tzibur. Such a waste of precious Shabbos time.

  3. Zionflag and the rest of you appoligetic types. Shame your sensitivity towards Shabbos is so dulled that Chilul shabbos doesn’t bother you. Granted inviting in unaffiliated jews is the way to go however, that doesn’t preclude. Making a ‘Machah’a protest when Shabbos is being desecrated.
    People like yerushalim chofshit are not interested in coming to a shabbos seuda, they are out with their agenda, and are no better then the erev rav At best and perhaps much worse. (See rav elchonon in kovetz mamarim, V’hamevin Yovin)

  4. wouldn’t Moshiach be around the corner if some chevra would have a KIDDISH RABBAH every Shabbos Kodesh at his site, serving herring, kugel [yerushalmi of course], cholent, singing and dancing with chareidim, chilonim, aniyim, ashirim baalei teshuva etc all together hand in hand. WOW, what a beautiful Shabbos and Kiddish Hashem!! Whoever will jump at this opportunity, PLEASE let me know, because I want to be the first to help sponsor them.

  5. R’ Nosson Tzvi Finkel, the Rosh HaYeshiva of Mir in Yerushalaim forbid his talmidim from taking part in demonstrations. On this, zionflag holds like R’ Nosson Tzi.

  6. zionflag:

    While Iusually don’t agree with your israel posting, now you are 100% right. These weekly protests accomplish worse than nothing, because it dilutes the effect of legitemate Hafgunos; Emanual, Grave descecrations, etc.

    These demonstrations eventually turn violent and cause additional Chillul Shabbos and Chillul Hashem.

    Were the Eidah serious about preventing Karta and other mass Shabbos descecration, they would have strongly urged their members to participate in municipal elections in Jerusalem.

    To me it looks like the Eidah wants to give their non-learning youngsters an issue to vent their time and have some fun.

  7. a jew:

    According to your logic why only Karta. You should be protesting in every chiloni neighborhood at least in Yerusholayim. Scream at every car, yell at every bus that travels on Shabbos.

    You quote Rav Elchonon ZTZ”L. Well, he also writes “The less we are in the headlines the better”. Do you think the new push to draft Yeshiva students have nothing to do with this constant negative publicity???

    It is well known the Brisker Rov zatzal opposed Hafgonus against Chillul Shabbos.

  8. Sane, the left needs no ligitimate reason to try to change tha status quo. There is a Gemara that clearly states gadol sinas am h’aretz L’talmud chuchum M’sinas Esuv L’Yackov. While trying to build bridges with the virolent anti-Torah left is a commendable idea, in practice and in reality the Sarid’s and Livni’s of the world have no interest.
    The only argument that could be made is that perhaps this all puts off moderates, but I’m not so sure.
    The Rav Elchonan, I refer to in Kovetz mamarim discusses where one can find Amalek today, and anyone who has been through that piece, understands Israeli politics, and the left’s agenda on a different level

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