PHOTOS: Hachnosas Sefer Torah To The Golders Green Beis Medrash


This past weekend The Golders Green Beis Hamedrash Kehillah celebrated a joyous Hachnosas Sefer Torah marking the completion of a Sefer Torah written by its members in honour of Rav Feldman shlita, the emeritus Rav of the Shul, and his Rebbetzen. The writing of the Sefer Torah highlighted the GGBH’s illustrious past and its vibrant future and the event demonstrated the strong foundations that GGBH’s past Rabbonim have put in place and the strong and energetic leadership of its current Rav, Rav Yisroel Meir Greenberg shlita.

The Sefer Torah project began in earnest last Shovuos, with members of the community sponsoring Sedros, Pesukim and even, for the younger members, words and letters. Shiurim being given on subject of Hilchos Sefer Torah and a Committee was formed under the leadership of Mr Benzy Adler and Rabbi Zvi Zimmels which worked tirelessly to ensure that everything was meticulously organised. The sofer Reb Shlomo Rosenberg of Ashdod was commissioned to write the Sefer Torah and the date was set – 11th June 2017!

The weekend started with the GGBH’s annual Youth Shabbos: Tefillos were led by the teenage boys of the Kehillah, learning Chaburos were arranged and the Shabbos was concluded with a youth Seudoh Shelishis. Kabolas Shabbos and Maariv was led by Binyomin Mirwis (Menorah Grammar), Shacharis – Betzalel Gluck (Hasmonean) and Mussaf – Dovid Greenberg (Beis Medrash Elyon). Krias Hatorah was shared between other boys. Before Mussaf Rav Greenberg addressed the Kehillah, firstly thanking Rav Feldman for his continued help and support and then expounding on the theme of how each person must strive to take the physical elements of the world and create a structure in which the Torah can reside. The davening was followed by a communal Kiddush at which Gavriel Halberstadt (Hasmonean) said a Dvar Torah about the importance of having a love for mitzvos and how the shul is fortunate to have amongst its members so many who are prepared ‘to go the extra mile’ in their communal endeavours.

The festivities continued on Sunday morning. Dozens of members of the community wrote a letter in the Sefer Torah, finishing the project the way it started: for the community, by the community.

At 2.30pm with the excitement already building, Rav Feldman arrived, together with the Rebbetzen and their children, at the Ohel David Synagogue Hall to complete the Sefer Torah. The Ohel David Synagogue on Broadwalk Lane NW11 was the original site of the GGBH at its inception over 80 years ago; highlighting further the transition from old to new. The Sefer Torah was then wrapped with a specially made Wimpel – a tradition that dates back to the time of Chazal – decorated with the names of over 130 boys from GGBH under the age of Bar Mitzvah; our precious link to the future.

At 3pm, the Shul’s Sheliach Tzibbur, Rev Nathan Gluck began the Hachnosas Sefer Torah procession and then with the music and singing of Shloime Gertner and children holding fire torches, hundreds of men and women accompanied the Sefer Torah the short distance to the Shul. The Sefer Torah was held by Rav Feldman, Rav Greenberg, local Rabbonim who had come to join in the honour being shown to Rav Feldman, family members and prominent members of the community.

At the entrance to the Shul courtyard, members of the Shul came to welcome the new Sefer Torah carrying Shul’s Sifrei Torah; the spirited dancing continued in the courtyard and then proceeded into the Shul for Hakofos and the final placing of the Sefer Torah in the Oron Hakodesh. Rav Greenberg then addressed the packed Shul about how every moment in a person’s life must be used to learn Torah and in the service of Hashem. During the Rav’s Drosho the children of the Kehillah were treated to Pekelach and ice-cream outside in a marquee.

The festivities concluded with a large Seudah in the evening, attended by some 400 members and friends of the Kehillah and many of Rav & Rebbetzen Feldman’s family from London and overseas who had come specially for the occasion. Highlights of the evening included a Boys’ Choir conducted by Rabbi Yehuda Aronovitz and Yechiel Sulzbacher, a specially produced film showcasing some of the Shul’s history, and speeches in Rav and Rebbetzen Feldman’s honour. The Rosh Hakohol Mr Eli Emanuel opened the proceedings and then called on Rav Feldman to address those assembled. In a most moving speech Rav Feldman paid tribute to his Rebbetzen, thanked Hashem for his renewed good health and his ability to continue learning Torah. In recalling how his predecessor Rav Munk zt”l selected him to be his successor, Rav Feldman urged the Kehillah to maintain and continually improve that which he saw as one his prime aims and successes of his decades as Rov of the Kehillah, the learning of Torah Lishmah at a high level. The Keynote Address was delivered by Rav and Rebbetzen Feldman’s son-in-law Rabbi Moishe Heiman from Lakewood. In his speech Rabbi Heiman thanked the Kehillah on behalf of the family for having honoured their parents in a most befitting manner and then, paying tribute to his esteemed parents-in-law, expressed his tefillah that the Rav and Rebbetzen should be”H continue to grace the Kehillah with their presence for many years in good health, leading us to greet Moshiach Tzidkeinu. Rav Feldman’s son, Rabbi Refoel Feldman from Yerushalyim led the bentching and the proceedings concluded with Maariv and everyone going home with a renewed sense of Achdus and appreciation for what belonging to such an illustrious Kehillah entails.

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