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PM’s Bureau Chief Looking to Put the Squeeze on Chareidim

Eyal Gabbai, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s bureau chief is working hard to persuade the prime minister to link financial aid to the chareidi community.

According to a report released by Haaretz’ Yair Ettinger, Gabbai has already appeared before the Plesner Committee and emphasized placing the stress on the workplace and not military service.

He proposes reductions in arnona property tax and other benefits from the government for those who enter the workplace. He feels this will significantly increase the number of avreichim leaving the beis medrash in favor of finding a job.

The report states that his words were taken seriously and his recommendation are being seriously considered as part of the new program.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. The Hareidi community, like every other political grouping in Israel, does not receive financial aid from the Government, it receives its share of public funds. The share it receives, just like all the other political grouping, is a result of the deal making process that is called politics. This process in Israel is complicated by the psychotic hatred some politicians have for Torah and the Torah community so that what should be a civilized process of “arm wrestling” to allocate public funds instead is turned into a hate fest.

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