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Suckers’ Tent Organizers Seek to Enlist Settlers Against Chareidim

Organizers of the Jerusalem ‘Suckers’ Tent’ are working to enlist residents of Yehuda and Shomron in their battle to compel chareidim to serve in the IDF. The tent organizers are aware that while residents of Yehuda and Shomron do have much in common with the chareidi tzibur, they feel IDF service is a holy mission and therefore, they are optimistic that they will succeed in bringing the settlers on board to further isolate the chareidi community.

On erev shabbos 18 Sivan 5772, a tent will be set up in Efrat, the largest community in Gush Etzion, home to thousands of families, to express opposition to deal-making between Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and chareidi parties.

The tent will be situated at an entrance to the community under the banner “You Promised? Then Fulfill!” Members of Knesset and community leaders have signaled they plan to attend to show their support. The organizers also plan to sign Gush Etzion residents to their petition demanding the government compel chareidim to serve in the IDF.

Speaking to Kol Chai Radio, Deputy Minister of Health Yaakov Litzman stated “we are not taking part in the [Plesner] committee because we have stated repeatedly there is no hope of reaching agreement without the premise that those wishing to learn torah may continue doing so. If that is not agreed to then we will not be part of the effort. This has been repeatedly clarified…I would like to reiterate this again today, in my name, that if those wishing to learn cannot, we will not remain part of the coalition”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. Lately it seems that the settlers are the “suckers” – they gave their all for the zionists, and got stabbed in the back by the people they had sacrificed so much for

  2. In reality the political grouping called Hareidi and the political grouping called settlers have much more in common with each other than this ridiculous “suckers tent” circus. Both groups are overwhelmingly Torah Jews, committed to living in Israel and openly persecuted by the ruling establishment. After experiencing the black boot of the Army on their necks time after time, many settlers are a bit more sympathetic to those who have problems with the Army and so many Hareidim have joined the Army that it will be necessary to create new units to accommodate them all. But what do Efrat’s people have in common with these rabblerousers who are being paid to ferment hatred amongst Jews?

  3. There are thousands of Charedim who are settlers in Nvei Yakov, Beitar, Emanuel, Michmas, Kiryat Sefer, Givat Zev, Ramat Shlomo and more…… so how can settlers and Charedim face each other in anger?

  4. ONE: Now that Charedi communities have been built in Yehuda and Shomron,,the two groups are one. I guess all are “suckers”….for Zionism.

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