Mayor Bloomberg admits stop-and-frisk policy hasn’t lessened shootings

The NY Daily News reports:

Mayor Bloomberg admitted Tuesday he’s concerned that the city’s controversial stop-and-frisk operation has not cut down on shootings.

“It’s worrisome,” the mayor said, adding that Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly is “working on it.”

“There are still too many guns,” he added. “This is not a panacea for everything.”

Still, he reiterated that he believes the city’s falling murder rate is rooted in the citizen stops, which have been criticized by civil libertarians and others as racially lopsided.

“What is clear is that the number of murders have come down dramatically,” Bloomberg said.

As the Daily News reported two weeks ago, shootings are up 6% this year, with a quarter of them in just five neighborhoods, while homicides are down 21%.

(Source: NY Daily News)

One Response

  1. Hey, Bloomberg, how about finally recognising that New York is part of the USA, and bound by the Bill of Rights? How about respecting the second amendment, instead of spitting on it? Why don’t you see how that works for a change?

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