Embarrassing Interview for Galei Tzahal

This morning, Wednesday, Galei Tzahal (Army Radio) host Niv Raskin conducted a telephone interview with Deputy Minister Gila Gamliel regarding the upcoming expulsion from Beit El’s Ulpana neighborhood, or so he thought. The person on the phone was an imposter, not the deputy minister.

The conversation lasted for almost two minutes, and a bit later, before a new bulletin, the station announced it was working to correct the matter and soon thereafter released an official acknowledgement and apology regarding “the problem”, which in essence was the person speaking was not Gamliel, but an imposter, a poor one at that.

The official statement released in the name of station manager Yaron Dekel stated those responsible for the incident will be dealt with harshly, and the station apologizes to listeners for this rare but yet serious mix up.

Other stations report they too have tried to reach Gamliel to hear the deputy minister’s opinion on the Ulpana vote but she either is not answering or after realizing the media is on the line, she simply hangs up.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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