The Ravitz Letter & the Yated Blood Libel

A letter written by Rabbi Avraham Ravitz z”l a half year prior to his petira about Yated Ne’eman was not reported on, at least till now. In the letter, the late MK and community askan speaks of how the newspaper simply embarrassed him, ‘shed his blood’ and for no good reason.

The inyan being referred to by R’ Ravitz was his efforts to pass the Education Bill which was to set a budget for chareidi mosdos into place. Despite Ravitz’s efforts towards securing national government funding for mosdos, Yated accused him of attempting to change realities in the educational system and his actions were not in line with the wishes of gedolei yisrael.

R’ Ravitz decided to sit and write a letter to Maran Posek HaDor HaGaon HaRav Yosef Sholom Elyashiv Shlita, explaining events in detail. The letter was delivered by Rav Ravitz in person. It was to have been his last visit to 10 Chanan Street to meet with the posek hador.

The letter: (As presented by Chadrei Chareidim) L’cvod Maran Shlita

I am aware that Maran Shlita was informed of things that I said regarding Yated Ne’eman and things I allegedly said regarding the Education Bill.

I am pained and sorry that they did not also explain to Maran Shlita the reasoning behind the move. They simply took things out of context and thereby one could arrive at the conclusion chas v’sholom that I was unjustifiably critical. I now feel a responsibility to explain the events as they occurred, and I am confident this will clarify matters. For certain I never intended to chas v’sholom insult gedolei yisrael.

In Av 5764, at the time the Shinui Party was part of the coalition government and the prime minister was Arik Sharon, it became necessary to expand the coalition following the resignation of the National Religious Party. They turned to Yahadut HaTorah to enter the coalition. AT that time, Shinui was in the government and was not about to leave, realizing doing so would result in the downfall of the party (which is what eventually occurred). On the other hand, it could not remain in the same coalition government with a chareidi party since its entire justification for existing was to boycott the chareidi parties. Shinui head Tommy Lapid stated there was no way he would remain in a coalition together with Shas but Yahadut HaTorah was possible since the latter does not accept cabinet appointments. Therefore, he convened the party leadership to vote on the matter.

The day before the Shinui kenos I informed the media that this time, Yahadut HaTorah was indeed contemplating accepting cabinet appointments. My motivation for this was to create confusion in Shinui and to compel the party to leave the government. Baruch Hashem, with Siyata Dishmaya I was successful and Shinui left a short time later and vanished. It should be absolutely clear that we never intended to accept ministerial appointments as has been decided by gedolei yisrael. The announcement to the media was simply intended to get rid of Shinui and anyone familiar with the details can testify to the fact that the move succeeded and led to Shinui leaving the coalition and eventually dissolving B’chasdei Shomayim.

To my great sorrow, our own people, those who have been against me for a long period of time, dating back to the time of Maran Rosh Yeshiva ZT”L, they came to Maran Rav Shach over and over, telling stories that simply were untrue. Today as well they took events out of context and told gedolei yisrael that I am acting contrary to their instructions, as if I was really going to accept a cabinet appointment, well aware this simply was not the truth. These people did not even bother to check with me first, and they would have quickly understood the entire goal was to oust Shinui from the coalition, nothing more. To my great pain and sorrow, even my dear friends, talmidei chachamim were sucked into this without realizing it.

I learned about the events after the story appeared on page 1 of Yated, the protest and anger directed at me as if I was not following gedolei yisrael.

That announcement was simply a sever embarrassment and a total lie, spilling my blood all the while they could have simply checked and verified the facts regarding what I said and why I said it.

How did they dare to embarrass me in front of the masses without hearing and telling my side? They did not make the most minimal effort to verify the facts.

Until this very day, no one has apologized for the bloodshed before me without any reason. How can they expect me to identify with the newspaper while the newspaper is spilling my blood without bothering to verify details.

I cannot explain and one cannot imagine the pain and anguish this has brought me and my family, when friends and acquaintances act as if I am contradicting the word of gedolei yisrael. This was all avoidable if only they bothered to come to me to verify the information but their motivation was to attack, not to seek the truth.

From there, things seemed to have evolved and anything I said or would not say, and anything I would do or not do, these very same people made certain to besmirch my name anywhere and everywhere possible, even before Maran Shlita.

Yes I did critique the newspaper for what was written about me or for ignoring my efforts in Knesset and in the government.

In addition, when Yated Ne’eman expresses an opinion or wages a war against a certain group or party that has political and public ramifications, this is interpreted by the general tzibur as being the opinion of Degel HaTorah since the tzibur is aware they are both accountable to the same leadership.

Therefore, we as public officials are embarrassed at times when the newspaper promotes a campaign or effort which is not in line with the efforts of MKs, without the knowledge of the latter and at times, contrary to our political efforts.

As it is our responsibility to explain the position of chareidi Jewry to the general public, it is only natural that when something is written in Yated Ne’eman with insensitivity to the perception of the public at large, it is difficult for us to explain these matters and to identify with them.

Regarding to my criticism against Yated, on Sunday, 9 Cheshvan 5768 there was a harsh article against me as if I am no longer a member of the chareidi camp comp committed to Hashem.

Is there a way to explain how they hurt me, my family, my son, in law children, grandchildren, all bnei torah, talmidei chachamim, disseminators of torah – and Yated writes about me that I am not a member of the klal yiras Hashem.

Is it a wonder that I have criticism over the bloodshed?

Regarding the Education Bill

I was told what to do by Maran Shlita regarding the bill and this is exactly what I did. To my sorry, even regarding this matter people tried to sabotage my efforts to bring an end to the problem of finding funding for mosdos once and for all.

And this was all done under the banner of saving the purity of the camp. I acted in line with instructions from Maran Shlita the entire time, even meeting with the Vaad Rabbonim a number of times as Maran Shlita instructed me to do. I don’t know what they told Maran Shlita as how I acted but in the Heavens they are aware that I acted exactly as instructed by Maran Shlita without deviation.

I am greatly sorrowed that things may have been said to Maran Shlita about me that were not correct and perhaps there is anger against me as a result. But things are not so. I have remained loyal for decades as I merited being the messenger of gedolei yisrael, fulfilling my mission faithfully and conscientiously.

My prayer is that there should be no anger chas v’sholom or criticism from Maran Shlita and it should become known that I never acted against gedolei yisrael chas v’sholom or to harm gedolei yisrael chas v’sholom, always completing my instructions fully.

Sincerely, a student to his master, Rav Avraham Ravitz

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. Yeted Ne’aman has been known to pervert news so that it should reflect their personal preferences. No one has caused more pain and hatred in the charadi circle like they have.
    Thank G-d that Maran Shtieneman has saw fit to replace those evil persons who run this wicked newspaper.

  2. This is not a blood libel. Please get your definitions straight. Blood libels were libels about blood being used in matzos. They often resulted in the deaths of many innocent Jews.

    This article is about a slander.

  3. im not taking sides.
    i read the original letter in ivrit ,your translation is pretty good! who is ur transalter?

  4. YWN has also embarrassed in front of the masses. They did not make the most minimal effort to verify the facts either. Until this very day, no one from YWN has apologized either or set the record straight with its readers. This involves another matter, but you should clean up your house first.

  5. Feif Un: Actually it is correct to use the word libel over here as the defamation was done through print. Look it up.

    About it being a “blood libel”, I can’t agree with this because “blood” would be describing in what way they defamed him; meaning that they falsely accused him of spilling blood.

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