The Costly Rock That Was Hurled at Jerusalem Light Rail

A District Court handed down a stiff sentence on Sunday, sending 18-year-old Moussa Abu Hadir to prison for 19 months imprisonment after being found guilty of throwing a rock at the Jerusalem light rail. Abu Hadir was shocked when his sentence was handed down in the rock attack that took place in August 2011, during the light rail’s trial period. The train was passing through Shuafat when the rock was thrown at the side of the train. Police tracked the defendant down a few days later and he admitted to his actions.

Jerusalem District Court Justice Amnon Cohen accepted the prosecution’s request for a heavy sentence, with the court explaining this is worse than throwing a rock at a lone vehicle because such a rock attack also challenges the order of public transportation.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)


6 Responses

  1. Its good that at least once in a while, Israel punishes the terrorists properly.

    Unlike last week when they handed over bodies of the animals that murdered 100’s of people in cold blood.

  2. DO u hear what they are saying,, this is a harsh sentence, because its not so bad when those animals throw rocks at a lone car,, this is insane

  3. This is a harsh sentence, and I truly believe they would have done the same for a Jew. Yerushalayim is infrastructure challenged with heavy congestion, this would be like needlessly holding up the subway system in NYC.

    Please be careful when speaking about our cousins. Not all are chayiv the same onshim and our gedolim have warned us against making this broad statements (see Rav Kook’s writings).

    #4, this has nothing to do with Rubashkin. This is apples and bananas, two different countries, two radically different accusations, two radically different sentences.

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