WATCH: Believe It Or Not!

Baruch Levine + Meshorerim Live @KROHMA Music!
 ברוך לוין ומשוררים בהופעה חיה עם תזמורת קראֹהמה
Believe it or not, our latest video is released with the goal of being both entertaining and spiritually uplifting at the very same time. Not an easy undertaking! Yet, with the natural combination of Baruch Levine, Meshorerim Choir and the incredibly gifted and exciting KROHMA Music group, it’s apparent that we succeeded in doing exactly that!
Kum Hithalech and Bit’chu performed and composed by Baruch Levine
Meshorerim Choir conducted by Aby Berkowitz
KROHMA Music conducted and arranged by Nochi Krohn
Cameramen Jake Sojcher and Dov Adler
Video editor Jake Sojcher
Live recording engineer Ian Freitor
Mix and mastering Nochi Krohn
Event manager Dov Katz
Filmed 2/26/17 at Rockleigh Country Club
KROHMA Music is Nochi Krohn, Yosaif Krohn, Sruli Weinstein and Vlad
Contact us at 855.712.7979  or [email protected]
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