Mayor Bloomberg Releases The Rules Of The New Sugary Drink Crackdown

Mayor Michael Bloomberg spent a good part of Thursday defending his decision to target New York City’s sweet tooth again.

He’s proposing new rules to ban big sizes of sugary drinks. The mayor said they’re causing New Yorkers to pack on the pounds, CBS 2’s Marcia Kramer reported.

Council Speaker Christine Quinn, however, said she finds it hard to swallow the plan to ban the drinks, calling it “punitive” and the wrong way to go.

“Much of what the mayor’s proposed in this report are good ideas I support. That said, a ban on the size of sugared soda you can buy seems to me not empowering and not educational, but really punitive,” Quinn said.

For the mayor, it’s a sugar smack down, and while he’s not going to make people take a “sugarlizer” test, he is taking giant steps to limit the size of sugary drinks people can buy.

“Every public health expert across the country is wringing their hands. This is becoming a devastating public health issue and epidemic and you have to do something,” Bloomberg said.

Quinn added that helping people win the “battle of the bulge” should be done in a “positive way — a way where they feel they’re winning.”

Bloomberg said the epidemic is obesity – more than 20 percent of kids and adults in New York City are overweight, and a big culprit, he said, are big sugary drinks, with an emphasis on the word “big.”

“Every study shows that you will eat a very big proportion of whatever is out in front of you,” Bloomberg said.

So big is out and super size is out. From now on 20,000 restaurants that received letter grades from the city health Department, food carts, movie theaters, sports stadiums and arenas can only sell 16-ounce sugary drinks.

More rules include:

* Large sugary coffee and tea confections are out unless they have 51 percent milk

* Stores that allow customers to draw their own drinks wouldn’t be allowed to stock cups larger than 16 ounces

* There are no restrictions on diet sodas or beverages with less than 25 calories per ounce

The mayor is winning praise in some circles.

“I think it’s a brave thing. It’s a brave thing to do. After all, one of the roles of government is to protect its citizens,” said Cara Wolper of the New York Obesity Research Center.

However, others said the mayor’s nanny state initiatives against trans-fats and salt, banning food donations to homeless shelters because you can’t measure the fat and salt content, can tend to take the joy out of life.

Bloomberg’s response?

“Oh, come on,” he said.

The mayor, it seems, is not taking into account the issue of mixed messages. Today he’s banning super-sized drinks to curb obesity, but he also issued a proclamation making Friday doughnut day in New York City. Kramer asked Deputy Mayor Linda Gibbs about it.

“The celebratory events, the naming days in honor of individuals or items or frivolities that are fun and exceptional joy are quite distinct from a public health agenda,” Gibbs said.


15 Responses

  1. NY’ers need to do everything possible to get this tyrant out of office. He is taking over your lives.


  2. Levin
    Every time you post, you reveal just a little bit more ignorance. Thanks for keeping YWN entertaining.

  3. * There are no restrictions on diet sodas or beverages with less than 25 calories per ounce

    This ban isn’t even on regular soda. Coke says a 12 oz serving has 140 calories. You do the math. The ban is on some super-sugary syrup or something … 25 calories per ounce is MASSIVE.

  4. my bad … the NYTimes says the details are 25 calories per 8 ounces. Please update your article with the facts (if the NYT has it correct???),

  5. I’m so lost in this one. Yes America and NY is getting fatter by the day… But that’s a persons choice. Surely he has something better to do with his time!

  6. As fattening as regular soda is, diet is just so bad for you!!! Still your choice to drink it but regular is better. Aspartame is a killer.

  7. All you pro-choice people, are you also for permitting euthanasia? people committing euthanasia consciously decide to end their life, over-eaters wish they could have more control. And what about halacha?

  8. #10, euthanasia is not suicide. Euthanasia is killing someone else, with their permission. Not the same thing at all.

    And while the Torah forbids suicide, it doesn’t forbid overeating.

  9. #8, what nonsense. Aspartame has no bad effects unless you’re a phenylketonuric. It is certainly not a “killer”.

  10. Millhause, the Torah doesn’t forbid overeating? See Sefer Chareidim (Mitzvas Teshuvah Perek 4):

    באכלך יותר על שובעך הפסדת ובטלת זמן האכילה וזמן היציאה ואם יזיק האצטומכא ותהיה טרוד בצערה הרי שלשה זמנים ואם יגרום חולי כמאמר רמב״ם (דעות ד’) הרי עברת על האזהרה ונשמרתם מאד לנפשותיכם ואפשר לגרום מות על שונאך ודמך מידך יוצרך יבקש.

  11. #13, Sefer Charedim is a mussar sefer, not halacha.

    #14, Who did this “linking”? Only cranks and liars.

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