From a Broken Heart:” Rabbi Tells Story of Suffering

Mrs. Klein, of Jerusalem, is suffering from an excruciating case of ALS. With treatments & surgeries mounting, and more help needed to allow her to accomplish basic tasks, her family has run out of financial options. A fundraising campaign started for the Kleins includes devastating footage of Rabbi Klein. With the utmost in vulnerability and pain, the Rabbi begs viewers to save his wife’s life.
“I am asking you from the depths of my heart. From a heart which is broken,” he says, his voice trembling with emotion.
The campaign includes the following statement:
“Dear Jewish People, 
My wife has a disease you may have heard of, but whose horrors I pray you will never see: ALS.
She can’t walk, or do anything a normal person can do. She can’t speak, or swallow. Her weak body twitches & shakes uncontrollably with painful spasms. 
All we want is to give her some relief. But the treatments for her condition are unbelievably expensive – More than we could ever imagine paying for on our own. The surgeries never seem to end. This is simply more than we can take. 
If you are reading this, please, please contribute what you can. I am begging you. Please save this precious, precious life.”
The Klein family will undoubtedly watch the campaign’s level of success with fear & hope. In a world of suffering they have chosen to believe that the kindness of strangers may have the power to save Mrs. Klein’s life.

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