BREAKING: Fidler Declines To Appeal Court Decision; Storobin Wins NYS Senate Race

Thursday 4:30PM: NYC Councilman Lew Fidler has just issued the following statement to

First, let me begin by saying “what a long strange trip it has been been,” and by offering my congratulations to David Storobin. In whatever time he may spend as the Senator from the 27th district, I pledge to work with him for the benefit of our community whenever and wherever we can find common ground.

There are so many thoughts that one would want to express after this surreal experience. I will address those that my sensibilities say should be expressed and leave other thoughts for another day.

First and foremost, I want to express my appreciation and gratitude to the hundreds of people who worked their hearts out in this effort, and to the thousands who showed their support at the polls or in some other way. In an election that was this nasty, this hard fought – and this long – I am left with a choice: to dwell on the disappointment of falling a handful of votes short, or to focus on the faith and commitment that so many showed by believing in me and what I have stood for during my years in public service. I said on election night before we knew the outcome: I was already a winner for the support and love that was shown to me by so many.


8 Responses

  1. It’s about time the voters sent a message to Politicians who took away our right to vote. When Lew Fidler voted to extend the Term Limits Bill when it came up in the City Council about four years ago when the voters not once but twice defeated it I couldn’t wait until he was voted out office. I am so happy that he will not be representing my District.

  2. Let this be a lesson to our community leaders. Stop foisting on us pro-same-gender marriage candidates.

  3. no question Davin greenfield the big loser here. Storobin is going to be reelected in nov because so many frum people are going to vote for romney and they stay GOP – great news

  4. tina18, Storobin will not be reelected for this district in November because the district is going away. Whether he can compete in one of the new districts in the area is another question.

  5. Whether or not Storobin (or Turner) have a personal future is irrelevant. To use a goyish phrase “the genie is out of the bottle”. In solid Jewish areas, Republican conservatives can win. The southern half of Brooklyn is now “in play”.The last time it happened, most Jews were Republicans, as were almost all Blacks, and that fancy building downtown was called “City Hall”.

  6. This whole race is absurd. Storobin is going to represent the district for a couple of weeks. Then the legislature goes on vacation, then the district disappears.

  7. The REAL WINNERS are the Chareidi Jews in the district, who demonstrated that their loyalty is to the Torah, not to cheap politicians, who sell out our values, in pursuit of their political careers.

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