Important Alert From Flatbush Shomrim: Educate Your Children & Yourself On Child Predators

Parents Beware: The summer months are approaching and our children will be out on the streets. Teach them to protect themselves from being touched improperly or spoken to inappropriately. An offender’s work may take just minutes. The effect it leaves lasts a lifetime.

We would like to share the following safety tips BASED ON ACTUAL EVENTS. We’ve received complaints of abuse occurring in libraries, MTA buses, car services, parks, on the street, etc:

* Warn your children to never accept rides from strangers. Children usually take the same route every day. They stand at the same bus stops, etc. They are vulnerable. Pedophiles know this and will wait patiently before making a move. A predator may have a beard and a yarmulke and may even be a family acquaintance.

* Encourage your child to tell you about any unusual incidents. For example, an adult acting too familiar or improperly or discussing inappropriate topics with them. Anywhere. Teach your children to be alert and to identify people by memorizing clothing description, car models, license plate numbers and other details of anyone looking suspicious.

* When at the park DO NOT send your child to the restroom alone. Pedophiles lurk around parks looking for easy targets.

* NEVER send your children alone in a car service. While most drivers are fine and hardworking people, we’ve had numerous complaints involving children and adults being victimized by predators working for car services.

Report all suspicious activity to the police by calling 911. Then, call our 24 hour Emergency Hotline at             718-338-9797      . If your call is of a sensitive nature please ask our dispatcher if you can speak with a coordinator. All calls will be kept confidential.

The Flatbush Shomrim wishes everyone a safe and enjoyable summer.


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