Greenfield Bill Seeks Helmets For Every Adult Bike Rider

A bill to be introduced in the New York City Council on Thursday would require all bikers, no matter their age, to wear a helmet when cycling in the five boroughs.

Passing the controversial legislation, sponsored by Council Member David Greenfield of Brooklyn, could be an uphill battle. Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who has been criticized for imposing laws on the city that some see as nanny-esque, opposes the bill, an aide confirmed.

“The best way to get killed if you’re riding a bicycle is to not wear a helmet,” Mr. Greenfield said. “We want to encourage people to be safe.”

According to the legislation, a first offense would be punishable by a fine of up to $25. A second citation during a one-year period would carry a $50 fine, and a third offense within two years could cost $100.

New York City currently requires all children, ages 13 and under, and anyone who is a commercial cyclist, such as messenger, to wear a helmet. Under Mr. Greenfield’s bill, if a person, age 13 or under, is biking without a helmet in the presence of a parent or guardian, ages 18 or older, the parent or guardian could get the ticket.

Marc LaVorgna, a spokesman for the mayor, said the mayor encourages every biker to wear a helmet but believes a legal mandate would “discourage biking.”


4 Responses

  1. It would be easier to adopt a rule that a a cyclist who is injured can only receive damages based on what they would have received has they been wearing a helmet, and the burden of proof is on the unhelmeted cyclist to prove in court that the injuries would have occured even if a helmet was worn.

    This creates an incentive to wear a helmet, and leave the police free to do other things – like chase violent criminals.

  2. Wearing a helmet should be a give in, unless you want to die. Especially biking through the crowded boroughs. Kol hakavod this is very wise.

  3. I don’t understand. Do we cherish our freedoms or not? It seems as though very few of us do. If you don’t want the government telling us what to do and stealing our money when we don’t listen, then pick up the phone and call Mr. Greenfield’s office and voice your opposition. If they hear enough voices, they will step back. His office can be reached at 718-853-2704

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