Avreich Assaulted on a Bus from Ashdod to Bnei Brak

A chareidi passenger on board a bus traveling from Ashdod to Bnei Brak was assaulted on Tuesday night. He was traveling on a number 350 Egged bus when an African male attacked him and fled.

The man explains that he has a cast on his leg and as a result he was compelled to rest his leg on the empty seat next to his. “The Sudanese man got on and insisted on sitting in the seat aside me. I asked him to please sit in one of the many other empty seats” the daily HaMevaser quotes the avreich as saying.

The man insisted on that seat and pushed the man’s leg aside and sat down, pushing against him. “I explained to him that he was hurting me and he began the assault. He then appeared to have noticed I was phoning police and got up and shouted to the driver ‘I want to get off’ but the driver did not comply, explaining he was between stops”.

Eventually, the man managed to pry the doors open when the bus stopped at Yarkon Street. Police and Shomrim volunteers arrived a short time later and they apprehended the suspect in the Dan Company parking lot.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. lazerc…

    There is a big difference between the Ethiopian JEWISH blacks, and the Sudanese illegal border-crossers who should be arrested at the border and deported immediately.

  2. Most blacks in Israel are Jews and as such are not violent animals. This particular creature was obviously a Goy and wanted to exercise his inalienable right to hate Jews. It was the color of his soul and not that of his skin that is responsible for his actions.

  3. Chassidishe Gatesheader, take your sinas Israel to Iran! They will wellcome you as they wellcomed all the other ‘useful idiots’ of Jewish persuation.

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