NYS Gov. Cuomo Gets Highest Approval Rating Ever In New Poll; People Want Minimum Wage Increase

New Yorkers love their governor more than ever — but they love the idea of increasing the minimum wage even more.

While Gov. Cuomo got his highest approval rating ever in a Quinnipiac University poll, 71 percent, voters by 79-18 percent — including by 61-34 percent among Republicans — want the state to raise its minimum wage.

Voters approve of the proposed legalization of Las Vegas-style casinos by 56-33 percent — a marked increase in support from other recent polls, the Quinnipiac survey released today shows.

By 56-40, voters say new teacher evaluations should be made public, with union households evenly divided.

Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver (D-Manhattan) wants to hike the current $7.25 an hour minimum wage to $8.50 next year with annual indexing for inflation. Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos (R-LI) has said he will not take up Silver’s bill before the scheduled June 21 end of this year’s state legislative session – but has left the door open to a compromise measure.


2 Responses

  1. Raising the minimum wage will help push up public sector employment, since more workers will be needed to process unemployment insurance and welfare claims. Given the Democratic dream of making everyone dependent on the state, this seems to be a good way to accomplish the policy. Republicans tend to favor real jobs and honest work – which is dull and boring.

  2. When will the uber socialist liberal democrats learn that raising the minimum wage RAISES the cost of living too. When products are priced at workers’ rates of 8 dollars an hour they are one price but if now the employers have to pay more for the same service, the price WILL go up. This is oh so simple Economics 101 that the typical socialist doesn’t want to understand.

    People need to wake up to reality!

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