PHOTOS: Jewish Homes Targeted in Beit Haninah


The neighbors in Jerusalem’s predominately Arab Bet Haninah neighborhood are making sure that the Jews living there will not have an easy life. Over recent weeks, the incidents targeting the Jewish residents have been continuous, and Aryeh King of the Israel Land Fund questions “how would people react if this violence were directed against the illegals in southern Tel Aviv”, aware the outcry would be quite audible but here, Jews living legally in a home in the capital are left to fend for themselves.

The attacks increased in severity on Tuesday night, the eve of 9 Sivan 5772, when one of two homes recently purchased by the fund’s ongoing efforts was targeted in an arson vandalism attack. A firebomb was hurled through one of the windows. The occupant who was home alone worked to extinguish the blaze but damage to one room of the home is extensive.

During recent weeks there have been ongoing attacks involving rocks and bottles and many windows have been smashed but King and those who are accepting the challenge of living in these homes remain determined and they are not about to pack and run in the face of Arab terrorism. Quite the contrary, they remain steadfast in their mission of redeeming homes in Eretz Yisrael.

YWN PHOTO LINK: Click HERE for photos.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. Aryeh King is a tzadik. May there be many more like him. I hope the police and other support services give these house owners the support they need.

  2. Hmmm, did not notice this piece in Ha’aretz, the left wing, pro arab right anti semite rag. Wonder why they did not cover it.
    Let us don them l’caf zechus, mabe they did cover it; they cover it over….

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