Bleeding Hearts Would Ship Out Chareidim & Keep the Illegals

Kadima MK Yulia Shamalov Berkovich in her address before the Knesset House Committee told fellow parliamentarians that the liberals fighting for the rights of the illegals in southern Tel Aviv are trying to prevent their deportation. She deplores the harsh living conditions of the illegals, but added the liberals “would be the first to throw chareidim and settlers on buses to transfer them”.

Shamalov called the bleeding hearts who are championing the battle to prevent the deportation of the illegals “hypocrites”, accusing them of pitting Jews against one another, adding “I would throw them all into prison for their incitement”.

Shamalov-Berkovich was referring to a Facebook image in which MK (Likud) Miri Regev was displayed in a Nazi uniform saluting, questioning where the shouts of outrage are when a right-wing is targeted in such a fashion.

She wants to take the human rights activists and dump them in the transient camps being built along the Egyptian borders for the illegals crossing the border from African nations. She questioned how the state permits the illegals to live in abhorrent conditions, which she explained are evident to the eye to anyone bothering to travel to southern Tel Aviv to see what is really taking place.

Actually, she feels that the overwhelming majority of the illegals are not looking for a free ride, but they are seeking employment but they have been ignored, left to find a life of their own in southern Tel Aviv. She decried the recent wave of violence against them, demanding that for as long as they are in the country they must be treated appropriately.

ACRI (Association for Civil Rights in Israel) attorney Oded Feller added a point to the committee debate, explaining that calls to deport the Eritreans and Sudanese illegals are nothing more than populism since they are seeking political asylum and they cannot be ousted.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. The fact that many of the “illegals” chose to move to Israel rather than an Islamic state, suggests they are good candidates to become the sorts of materialistic secularists that zionism aspires to serve (and unlike Hareidim, who are the type of people the zionists have always wanted to get rid of).

  2. The Association for Civil Rights in Israel has to date never found any civil rights for the Jews of Israel but manages to constantly invent rights for the Arab invaders and now the African invaders. It is an open lie that they are seeking political asylum. They are seeking jobs. Just as the Arab invaders of a hundred years ago flooded Israel from Egypt and (Saudi) Arabia once the Jews began to develop the land, so today we see them coming from Eritrea and Sudan.

    The same people who show their hatred of the Jews of Israel by trying to destroy their home, livelihood and lives in Yeshah are now showing their hatred of the Jews of Tel Aviv by doing the same.

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