Read a Letter of Encouragement and Suggestion From Rav Elyashiv zt”l

by Rabbi Yair Hoffman for the Five Towns Jewish Times

For the Refuah Shleimah of Boruch Zev Ben Bracha

The following is translated from volume II of Rabbi Efrati’s Yisah Yoseph pp 185-186. It is a response to someone who wrote Rav Elyashiv asking for guidance in what Kabbalos to accept upon himself and his family to rectify a difficult situation.

Dear _____

I have received your letter dated Wednesday Parshas Pinchas. And even though my desire is to accede to your request that you had asked me in your letter, “to give my opinion on which kabalos that you should accept upon yourself” – I cannot fulfill your request in this matter.

This is for the simple reason that I do not know the family at all and do not know their nature. I have thus established my tent stake on that which our sages of blessed memory have said in Bava Basra 165, “And all are guilty of Lashon Harah and Avak lashon harah..”

It is known what is brought down in the Midrash [Tanchuma] and is cited in the Menoras HaMaor (Ner 3 8:3) in regard to the tractate of Chagigah.

[There was a righteous individual who would seclude himself in one private place and he would study tractate Chagigah. He would delve in it and review it many times to the point where he knew it completely. It was fluent in his mind and he would review it all his days.

When he departed from this world, he was alone in his home. No person was aware that he had died.

Apparently a woman appeared and raised her voice in cry to the point where the masses had gathered. She told them, “Eulogize this righteous person – for he has honored me all his life.”

They asked her, “What is your name?”

She told them, “Chagigah is my name.”

As soon as this righteous person was buried, that woman disappeared entirely.]

It is said in the name of the Vilna Gaon of blessed memory that a Mitzvah that has no one chasing after it is considered like a Mais Mitzvah. Even after the publication of the Chofetz Chaim’’s zt”l work (which is a Shulchan Aruch on the laws of Lashon harah) that has spread throughout the entire world – guarding the tongue still remains a Mais Mitzvah.

It is proper, if possible, to establish significant time to study Sefer Chafetz Chaim to observe, to do, and to fulfill everything written in the aforementioned work. And “who is one who seeks life” – and those of broken spirit will be redeemed.

And here, in our narrow human minds, it is difficult to strengthen weakened knees, and to encourage the lowly of spirit, but we can find strength in Hashem, whose salvation will always surround us, and one who trusts in Hashem, Chessed will always surround him. Distress will no longer be added. Joy and delight will reach him and replace agony and distress in the hope for the salvation of Hashem to see the comfort of Zion and the building of Yerushalayim.

[Rav] Yoseph Shalom Elyashiv

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