Demolition Orders for Jerusalem’s Keter Eliyahu Shul

Another Yerushalayim shul faces demolition as the Keter Eliyahu Shul located on Kahati Street in Givat Shaul was served with official papers by city representatives. This is a shul that serves hundreds of area residents. According to gabbai Rav Shalom Cohen, this is literally the only shul in the area and if it is destroyed chas v’sholom, there will be no shul for area residents.

Cohen explains that the shul serves no less than 400 families, and he does not hide his anger for chareidi Deputy Mayor Yitzchak Pindrus, who he accuses as playing a role in the planned destruction of the shul. Pindrus sees things differently, explaining that he reached an “understanding” with the gabbai by which they shul will evacuate voluntarily.

The deputy mayor added they are going to receive another plot of land where a building will be constructed. In the interim, they will receive another area. Cohen calls this “a lie”, adding he is the gabbai and he would know if Pindrus said this to him.

Cohen adds that he met with Pindrus two weeks ago in the area, and that time he was told “It’s your problem to figure out”. Cohen claims he asked Pindrus how a chareidi person can undertake to destroy a shul.

In the meantime, in City Hall the final preparations for the demolition are underway and it appears the shul will be gone in a number of days.

Cohen concludes that he is not responsible for the demolition and it does not appear that he is capable of stopping it. “Anyone with complaints please take them to Rav Mordechai Eliyahu ZT”L for he established the shul, not me alone”, concluded Cohen.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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