Rabbi Uri Zohar Visits Lakewood, Publishes Book

They came in droves. Hundreds of Lakewood residents converged upon Bais Faiga that night, the night of the city’s major Lev L’Achim asifah, anticipating the mega dose of chizuk and inspiration they’d no doubt be receiving from the event—and from the address of Rav Uri Zohar shlit”a, the backbone of Lev L’Achim. They were not disappointed…

Rav Uri Zohar is known as the undisputed leader of the teshuvah movement in Eretz Yisrael. What is less known is that Rav Uri is a tremendous talmid chacham and gadol in his own right. Over 80 years old bli ayin hara, he sits and learns the entire day, and most of the night too, peeling himself away from his Gemara only when absolutely necessary, like when his presence is needed at kiruv events and the like.

Seeing the venerable rav, with his flowing white beard and penetrating gaze, you’d be hard- pressed to imagine there was ever a time when he wasn’t poring over his sefarim. But of course, Rav Uri hasn’t become the father of ba’alei teshuvah without good reason: for the first 40 years of his life, Rav Uri knew next to nothing about Torah. To the contrary, he was the epitome of modern, non-Torah- observant Israeli society! When it came to secular success, he was it: he was the top comedian, television and radio talk show host, social satirist, actor, and film producer on the Israeli scene. Everyone in the country knew his name, and watched his movies. Yet when he learned the truths of the Torah, he left all of that behind and made the monumental decision to become frum, much to the shock and dismay of his thousands of fans.

It’s been more than 40 years since, and he’s never once looked back.

Many have wondered how Rav Uri did it. How does an individual who has reached the pinnacle of fame and fortune, just throw it all out the window and embrace a lifestyle so alien from that which he’d always known? In answer to this question, Rav Uri chronicled all of his observations, thoughts, and views on his journey, emerging with his masterpiece, My Friends, We Were Robbed.

Originally published decades ago, this eye-opening book is now back in print, with a stunning, brand new layout and cover, and one very significant addition: a biography of Rav Uri’s life, as told to beloved author Rabbi Nachman Seltzer.

If you have a hard time understanding how Rav Uri made his decision, this book will explain all of that to you. Read Uri Zohar’s fascinating teshuvah story, and join him on his journey of logic and reason. You’ll discover—as he did—the deep and irrefutable truths of your very own heritage.

For when it comes to real success in life, only the Torah is it—and as Torah Jews, we are all the lucky “one-in- a-millions” who actually have a part of this.

To purchase this book, click here.

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