Turkey Seeking Major Jail Time for Former IDF Commanders

With the second anniversary of the Mavi Marmara approaching at the end of May, Turkish government officials are not signaling any hint of letting bygones be bygones as they push for a collective 18,000 years of prison time to be served by former top Israeli military officials for their role in the naval commando raid.

A Turkish court has accepted the state’s bid to move ahead with charges pertaining to the deaths of nine people on board the terror vessel that sailed under the guise of a humanitarian aid ship seeking to bring supplies to Gaza, which remained under an Israeli sea embargo.

Indictments were handed down against former IDF Chief Gabi Ashkenazi, former Israel Navy Commander Eliezer Merom, former Chief of Military Intelligence Amos Yadlin and former IAF Intelligence Chief Avishai Levy. According to state officials, the prosecutor is seeking a total of 18,000 years imprisonment for the deaths in addition to torturing 114 other people. The state places that number of the collective sentences of the parties mentioned in the indictments.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. If they want to be a bunch of brainless turkeys, we should treat them as such.

    I am reminded of a news story from 2003 where some Egyptian brainiacs decided they would sue Israel for all the gold they gave us at y’tzias Mitzrayim. Upon hearing this, some of our smart ones made a quick cheshbon calculating the amount of yiddishe slaves and the amount of years. Egypt was told, you want to sue for the gold you gave us, we will counter sue for what you still owe us. That was the last we heard from Egypt on that one!

    Do the same thing here for the tzar and agmas nefesh they have been in our backsides since day one!

  2. soo deaths and torture of 144 terrorists deserves 18000 years, let’s investigate the armenian massacre at the hands of the truks. hi erdogan come to the opening in your gate for your daily ration.

  3. Why the Israeli government doesn’t do the same to Turkey in reverse I don’t understand. let them “indict” the Turkish political leaders and seek their arrest.

  4. And why doesn’t Israel do the same thing to Turkey for sending a terror ship to Gaza? They’re the ones who should go to jail or worse! What a farce!

  5. This is more serous than it sounds because if these solders travel to any country that has an alliance with turkey, they can be extradited and charged.

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