Peleg Faction Kenos Thursday Night

The Peleg faction is planning a kenos for Thursday night, in Yerushalayim. The event is billed under the banner “A Time to Speak”.

The kenos is in protest to the “many arrests made in recent weeks of senior Peleg officials and the arrests of head of the affiliated HaPeles newspaper heads Nati Grossman and Shmulik Elyashiv.

The speakers at the kenos are expected to focus on protesting against the State Prosecutor’s Office and the Israel Police, accusing the latter of targeting them during protests against recruitment into the IDF and against the ‘Lithuanian mainstream’, which opposes their very existence, while the chareidi media ignore the wave of arrests.

Pashkavilim for the kenos address the cherem against advertising in the newspaper, threats made against potential advertisers, and threats against affiliated personnel.

The event is set to take place on Paran Street in Ramat Eshkol beginning at 7:00PM. The event is set to take place on a municipal area. Police report no approval was given for any such gathering.

Published on isru chag Shavuos in Yerushalayim.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. Why even report this event? “Yated” doesn’t. If you are “Gimmel-niks” so jujst continue ignoring them.

  2. Nice. So all the cafes & stores on Paran may as well shut their doors at 5:00. Will these fanatics compensate them for loss of business?

  3. Once again YWN fails to overcome their downrite hatred for those who don’t share their distirtorted Hashkafos .I just returned from this Kenes – attended by over 30 thousand Bnei Torah , the elite of the Olam Hayeshivos in Eretz Yisroel . Your jealousy and hatered of this mainstream portion of present day authentic Yiddishkeit is evident by your evil discriptions “Pashkavilim for the kenes” -“the Peleg faction” ” the event is set to take place on a municipal area” along with your intentional distortions of fhe facts ” the kenes is in protest to the many arrests of seniour Peleg officialls etc.”-“police report no approval was given for any such gathering “.Throughout the entire evening not once was there any mention of arrests against the Peleg officials . The main theme adressed by the Gedolai Hador as was emphesised in the keynote adress of Raban Shel Kal Bnei Hagola , Maran Rosh Hayeshiva Hagaon Harav Shmuel Auerbach Sh’lita was the tremedous threat of the Gezeras Hagiyus and the attempt to quiet the voice of Hayahadus Haneemana wich has stood up against this Gezera wich threatens Klal Yisroel’s very exsistence . This attempt is unfortionately so evident in YWN’s coverage of these events over the last few years . this was precisely the theme of the Kenes under the banner “A Time To Speak “.

  4. JLyacov613 — wow, your comment sounds like a description of an Aktion in a Nazi ghetto during the Holocaust (“Block the street and arrest them…”). So, you advocate throwing people in jail without charge or trial. Urging a breakdown in law and order is not a smart way to go.
    And these endless and ridiculous calls from people overseas who haven’t the foggiest notion of military service, seem to think the medina should use IDF service as a punishment, like the Cantonists in the Czar’s army in Russia 150 years ago …. As if the army is even interested in them.
    It’s one thing to have disagreements in shitas, or in hanhagos. But, some readers need to grow up a bit and stop such vicious anti-Semitic rantings about problems they don’t even understand. The tzibur in E.Y. doesn’t harangue the American oilam how to solve its problems. It’s high time for the American readers and commenters to stop lecturing to, and trying to re-shape the Chareidi tzibur in E.Y.
    YWN could take the lead in showing its readers more responsible journalism.

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