Tel Aviv Seeking to Add Security Tax to Arnona

Tel Aviv City Hall is requesting Interior Ministry approval for an annual security tax to be added to the arnona property tax paid by residents. The ministry must approve the addition of such a tax.

City hall simply feels that with the sharp increase in attacks and assaults on the city streets it must install additional cameras to increase ‘big brother’s’ range. City officials feel such a tax would be levied based on computing 1-1.5 NIS per square meter of living space per resident per year. That means if one lives in a 100 sq. meter home, one would pay 100-150 NIS security tax annually.

City officials feel the cost to residents is negligible while the benefit is significant since the additional cameras around the city would result in a sharp increase in security and assist police and other agencies. The sum generated by the tax would permit the city to add 30 police neighborhood patrols, 150 city inspectors and hundreds of security cameras.

Such a plan would include a major focus on the southern areas of the city which are plagued by the sharp increase in violent crime attributed to the influx of illegal aliens from Eritrea and Sudan.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. What is the point of all this technology if the police, prosecution and courts treat criminals like honored guests? Better to spend the money to bribe Eritrea and South Sudan to take back their people and finish the border fence to Egypt.

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