Shavuos Flyer Against Degel & Gafne

As tens of thousands of mispallalim made their way to the Kosel for neitz tefilos on Shavuos morning many saw flyers that were thrown in the streets against Degel HaTorah, accusing the litvish chareidi party of selling out avreichim regarding a possible conscription of avreichim under the new Tal Law.

“Degel uproots Torah and Yiddishkheit, sacrifices religion, sells out bochrei yeshiva for funding R”L…”

The back side of the flyer included a scathing attack against Gafne, accusing him of publically defying gedolei yisrael by inciting to draft avreichim and as a result, the verdict against him has been sealed since entering there is prohibited by ‘hereg v’al ya’avor’.”

The flyers were signed with a statement: “Please join in the tremendous campaign to denounce the vile criminal Gafne, a disgrace to the shame of the world”.

Chareidi media attributes the flyers to the sikrikim.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. “Chareidi media attributes the flyers to the sikrikim”

    ofcourse!! who else?! so y the the need to report it here, therby givnig them undeserved attention & publicity, which does not help the needs of the chareidi community.

    btw the chareidi media in e. israel has basically ignored the incident done by a few marginal adolescents!!

  2. Bochrei yeshiva? Not bachurei yeshiva?

    YWN should spend a little more attention on Hebrew used here, the amount of plain errors and typos in many articles is shameful…

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