This Is What The NY Post Published About You

The following was published in the N.Y. Post on May 24, 2012, by Andrea Peyser, Columnist:

“There exists in this city a group of unparalleled perverts that’s wrapped in Teflon — more resistent (sic) to charges of sexual exploitation than John Travolta.

I’m not talking about Hollywood nimrods or Catholic priests, but a sect not generally associated with serious crime — ultra-Orthodox Jews.”

Questions: Which other ethnic/religious group has ever been described like this in a major American news publication? Will the NY Post apologize? Will the owners of the NY Post, Rupert Murdoch controlled News Corp., take any action against Ms. Peyser and her editors? Where is the protest and demands from ADL and its like? Is it open season on attacking “ultra-Orthodox Jews”?

(Dov Gordon – YWN)

30 Responses

  1. Will you condemn the child molestors and their supporters in the frum community, or only a newspaper that dares to print the truth?

    Pedophilia is every bit as perverted as toeiva marriage. Any one who defends child molestors (as many frummies do) is a criminal.

    What exactly do you disagree with? Do you think that pedophilia is not perverted, and then covering it up is not wrong?

  2. New York Post should apologize for what?

    Besides the colorful language they chose to use to describe the ultra Orthodox people, what did you expect would happen when the goyim found out?

    the things she said were true and right.

    sad to say it but everyone get all upset when the Vatican covers up its scandals, are we any different?

    Maybe with public pressure we will actually do something about the pervs among us

  3. mik5,

    You don’t have to support child molestation to be upset at the generalization of the entire frum community as a bunch of unparalleled perverts!

  4. Most of the time when these silly organizations start condemning these articles they end up doing more harm then good. Do you need a reminder that they hate us?? Just another example.

  5. The problem is the generalizing. Are all Ultra-Orthodix Jews pedophiles???

    Yes, they should not be defended and covered up and what they do (the pedophiles and other major problems) should be punished, but that doesn’t mean we all are like that.

    That is the main issue with this!!!!

  6. Has ywn ever come out this strongly against a child molester in the frum community? The act itself being much worse than what some nimrod writes on the NY post. Where are the protesters rallying against those in the orthodox community who defend accused molesters while shunning the victimized children and their families?

  7. Was the destruction of bais Sheni not brought about because the rabbomin were sitting there while the fight between kamtza and bar kamtza took place?

    Perhaps it is wrong to generalize but if we sit around and hush the whole issue we are just as guilty as the molester and the generalization would be correct

  8. The article even says “but a sect not generally associated with serious crime — ultra-Orthodox Jews.”

    That shows that this is surprising as we are generally not known for this type of behavior.

    Does the orthodox community have “unparalleled perverts” as she says? I wouldn’t say that.
    Pedophiles of any religion are in the same category and should all be treated as such! No group or religion should be protecting them! It’s sick!

  9. Ms Peyser choose this time to throw rocks on Frum Jews because she couldn’t stand the Kiddush Hashem that was at the “asifa”. Even the law enforcement had nothing but praise for the way the Jews behaved in public. Yes there are issues that need to be addressed and dealt with. Jews on the whole feel foreign to these dehumanizing acts(molestation). And please do not in any way compare this to Toyova relationships. Ms. Peyser has an axe to grind with the frum community. She knows that the Jewish nation is a light unto the world and no one even Ms. Pryser can take that away from us.

  10. I thought this site was frum-family friendly. Does anyone really want their kids reading this and asking what some of the words in this article mean? Oh well.

  11. Well wouldn’t one want to educate their children to be aware that these dangers do unfortunately exist out there?

  12. I’m as shocked by the comments as by the article itself. For the past few weeks, the media has declared open season on frum Jews. The secular media itself just cares to sell papers. The cursed rags of the JW, the Forward, and their ilk are the ones sitting and throwing parties at this. The issues have not changed much, and anyone with a minimum double digit IQ knows there is much work to do. But, and I hate to use all caps, THE MEDIA IS NOT WHERE PROGRESS WILL BE MADE. All that is accomplished is the besmirching of people of Torah stature and leadership, as well as shomrei Torah umitzvos. There is not a single individual among all those who throw this schmutz that has a microfraction of the Torah, Avodas Hashem, Midos, and Mesoras haYahadus they seek to crush with their malicious attacks. Not the Hush, not the Feldman, not the rest of the screaming posh’im. The disgrace continues, and only HKB”H Himself will stop the onslaught against his Torah. To those who support the blasphemy of this article, I think you should all wallow in shame until you find it in your hearts to do teshuvah. I hope to never meet up with any of you, and would certainly consider any of you unwelcome in a minyan. You are being poreish from the tzibbur. And you are unafraid to do so before kabolas haTorah. Go to your idols. Bow to the JW and NYT. I want nothing of you or your supporters.

  13. YWN, your headline is very misleading. She is writing about the issue of people in our community who shield molesters and tell us we shouldn’t report them to the authorities at the same time as they assur the internet.

  14. she is correct- she didnt say anything wrong..
    all she is saying that our community feels we can deal with the issue internally rather than with the police…. how would you feel if the black community did the same? or Protestants acted that way???? we have to follow the rule of the land…if someone molests a kid they deserve to be arrested and have their day in court…

  15. #7. The fight wasn’t between kamtza and bar kamtza. Get your facts right. You probally mean the story of kamtza and bar kamtza.

  16. This article from The Post isn’t about how ugly Jews are, its not even about how ugly Jews are that molest kids. It is about how ugly Jews are that protect molesters !!!!!!!! Enough is Enough…the victims need to be heard.

  17. Let us be honest,over 50 years now some of our children have been abused .The children cried for help,we were told NOT to do anything about it.Some children became NOT frum ,some children when they grew up did to others as as was done to them ,some children took away their life RCLZ.The internet issue became a major issue only several years.WHY IS INTERNET MORE IMPORTANT?

  18. To answer the writer’s question, a quick Google search came up with about 100 examples of writers in the New York Times criticizing the black community for not denouncing crimes committed by African Americans. The same thing happens all the time regarding basically every ethnic group. To think otherwise is just dumb.

  19. Where is the protest and demands from ADL and its like?

    WHERE IS THE AGUDAH?????if you are looking for a protest. But why should there be one, everything she wrote was honest and quite accurate.

  20. Considering the fact that according to the statistics of child abuse children that grow up in two parent households are eight times less likely to suffer child abuse then other children and the Divorce rate is unquestiobly far lower in the Ultra Orthodox population it would seem obvious why law enforcement considers Jewish Children far less likely to suffer child abuse.

  21. Furthermore Law Enforcements top priority is solving and preventing crimes. Since every single objective study ever done on the effect of Mandated Reporting Laws has proven that at best they do not work and at worst they are part of the problem as they cause an unprecedented amount of frivolous accusations by people seeking to protect themselves and overburdening an already overburdened system and further preventing Law enforcement from focusing on the substantiated crimes (Douglas Besharov a former head of CPS gave an excellent speech on this problem) it would seem quite obvious why Law Enforcement is eager to work with Rabbonim who are trying to take a more sober and effective approach that actually leads to solutions not just headlines.

  22. When a falt of ours if magnified and generalized – although it’s wrong and evil – it’s because of who we are and who we claim to be.

    I sadly know from my little corner of many cases that the frum community kept quiet, etc.

    There must be a way to fix these problems without making a lot of noise… I think.

  23. The way I see it, the goyim have no problem that a community has a child molester as they have them to. The problem and the chilul Hashem is born not by the community, but by the perpetrator. It becomes a big problem and massive Chilul Hashem when the community is seen to not only protect the perpetrator but be an aggressor against the victim (e.g. coming to support the perpetrator in court). That’s when the goyim look at us in horror. We like to hold ourselves over them in moral standing, but act so shamefully in this area creating the chilul Hashem.

    Furthermore, had this issue been dealt with appropriately we would be seen as an example to all. When the goyisha priest abuses came out they would have pointed to us as a community who knows how to deal with this stuff and it would have been a MASSIVE Kidush Hashem! What a contrast!

  24. DA Hynes said that the intimidation in the frum community is worse than in the mafia. When frum molesters can roam free, do you really have any claim against the Post?

  25. I have a bigger question, when the people behind YWN moderate comments that point out that frum Jews protect molesters, is there any wonder that people complain?

  26. #7 excelent comment (#16 the main thing is the point and the mussar to derive and #7 is absolutely right.)
    The problem is not what they write in the Newspapers the problem is what is happening in our community.
    Don’t let these things happen!
    Don’t waste your Rachmonus on the Pedofiles (if anything the Rachmonus on them is that they should be behind bars doing less Aveiros). Have Rachmonus on our children!!! Stop worrying about external things like News Papers and PR. There’s a Ribbono Shel Olom he sees it all. IT’S RECORDED BY HIM IN ANY CASE.

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