Satmar Rebbe From Kiryas Yoel Shlita Addresses Efforts to Induct Chareidim into the IDF

“A terrible decree hovers over the chareidim” is how the Satmar Rebbe Rabbi Aaron Teitlebaum Shlita addressed the ongoing efforts to create a new Tal Law in Eretz Yisrael.

The remarks were made at the annual fundraising event for mosdos Satmar held in Williamsburg.

The rebbe said “The time will come when the Zionist ministers will desire it and then our children will not be permitted to learn in talmid torah. There is a minister of health who in a flash can order an autopsy on all the dead. There is a defense minister who in a moment can induct all the bochrim in yeshivos”.

The rebbe went on to explain the Tal Law and today’s reality, the Plesner Committee, the ongoing effort to introduce a new bill that will replace the former Tal Law. “Today there is a new committee. I don’t recall the name. A new king has taken over with his decrees.” He stressed the committee’s first task is to address drafting those who study torah. The committee feels that 500 men annually is not sufficient and now we require 1,000 and soon, all the yeshiva bochrim will be enlisted. “There are 60,000 chareidi Jews studying torah blei ayin hora. They want them all!”

The rebbe explained the gezeira impacts all those studying torah, litvish, chassidish, Ashkenazim and Sephardim, reiterating the harshness of the gezeira that hovers over Eretz Yisrael.

“The destruction of religion and uprooting of torah is dependent on the elected officials, the apikorsim and atheists who don’t have the slightest connection to yiddishkheit. They decide. There has not been such a heavy difficult gezeira facing Am Yisrael for many years” the rebbe added.

The rebbe questioned if those present understood the reality of what is taking place, to “compel them to serve in a tamei army. A treif army. Avi avos ha’tuma, lewd and full of filth like the worst of nations”.

“We must be mispallel to HKBH for our brethren. HKBH has watched out for us during the entire galus and may He have compassion on Am Yisrael”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

13 Responses

  1. Hiddush here? The fact that he’s right is irrelevant. It is what Satmar has always been saying.

    Though perhaps he is actually offering to make concessions to the zionists, since he seems to imply that it might be permissable for some religious Jews to serve in the army (e.g. Baal ha-Batim) if the army weren’t treif, which would be a hiddush.

  2. How about a little hakoras hatov

    this ” A treif army. Avi avos ha’tuma” is protecting Klall yisroel

    what is he doing, when he is not in a lawsuit with his brother????? Or is it just money

  3. It appears to me that this hashkofa believes that the blood of some Jews is worth less and is less red than the blood of other Jews. Where does the Torah say that certain Jews are allowed to put their lives on the line for the Zionist state while other Jews (called “haredim”) can sit protected by those other Jews??
    Which seif in Shulchan Aruch says this? Does someone in yeshiva have redder blood than those who are not in yeshiva?

  4. Then again, if all the Chareidim go to the army then the army will be 35 percent religious. A majority of the officers are already religious, so the army would be well on its way to becoming a religious one. The Admor of Satmar would like to continue the discussion as if it were 1948, and the Chareidim make up 4 seats out of 120. This is not the case anymore. Now it’s important to engage the rest of the country, and have them join the religious to create a Jewish Republic with the Torah at its core.
    During the second Lebanon war I was traveling to Israel and sat next to a Secular Jew. 1/2 way thru the flight I decided that I should acknowledge his existence and began a short conversation with him. He shared that he lived in Haifa, and explained that his son was in Lebanon, he was the only one in his chevra who was secular but never-the-less joins them for minyan. [He was very proud that his son was doing this.] So, the frum community needs to recognize that they are on the ascent and seize the moment to lead.

  5. If he would permit his chasidim to come to CITIFEILD another thousands of yidden would be mispalel for them, like the mashgiach shlit”a said to have them in mind when saying the tefilas ha’shl”a….!

  6. well then how about voting this government out of power?
    or at least voting in such a way so as to give more strength to the charei parties?

  7. This man is totally unaware of what secular Israeli society really wants-They “DO NOT want to see any religious with a gun in his hand” (quotation from Aluf Sadeh, the first Israeli CIC. This is the real reason why BG did not draft the Yeshiva students.).
    The army DOES NOT want the Haredim. They want the Haredim to stay out so that they can continue to vilify them as draft evading parasites who contribute nothing to society. The Rebbe is doing a lot to help them in this.
    The real way to deal with this is to call their bluff and announce that we want 90% of all yeshiva students to serve, BUT their special requirements MUST be accommodated: food, znius, etc., etc. For this we should have special units in which no women serve. Also, the officers would also have to be torah students for which some kind of OTC should be set up in all the large yesivas, (Hevron, Ponyvitch).
    I once suggested something like this to a senior army officer and he turned pale at the thought. It scared the …. out of him.
    Of course this will never happen and a large scale drafting of yeshiva students will never happen. (They are even making trouble for the Hesder whenever thy can). But if you call their bluff the issue will totally disappear overnight.

    Written by A haredi that spent 24 years in the IDF, and knows what he is saying.

  8. I may be considered a weird charadi, but I believe in all charadim enlisting enmass in the Israeli army. Why? The Israeli secular society is morally corrupt. The young people leave their secular high schools and enlist in the army which provides them with a breeding ground for moral-less behavior and western like values on life.

    If (and I doubt if it will happen tomorrow) all the charadim enlist in the army, the army will be forced to upgrade their low level standard of morals in face of the charadim who will demand a separation of men and women, kashrut, and will give an example of good clean living. The encounter of the secular youth with religious men can only bring more people to return to their roots and HaShem in t’shuva.

    The only problem is if 8 to 12 years of yeshiva is enough for a man to withstand the temptations of leaving home? If yes, go to the army; if not, what good are yeshivas?

  9. “There is a minister of health who in a flash can order an autopsy on all the dead”. – Does he know that asst. MK LITZMAn is the minister of Health presently?

    This last week has brought to the forefront some of the lack of information, knowledge, yedidos that leadership holds on some basic issues.

  10. The Israeli Government was ORIGINAL established with the mission to destroy the Jewish Religious and our holy Torah.

    So you right – there is nothing new with this one as well (enough for now)

  11. 3.

    Watch your tongue before it falls out your mouth. You are so low you could play handball against the cracks in the sidewalk. The Satmar Rov is a bigger gadol than you will ever be EVEN if you went to the top floor of the freedom tower.

    No, I am not a Satmar chosid or a chosid at all.

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