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Los Angeles Moves To Ban Plastic Bags In Grocery Stores

The Los Angeles City Council has moved toward banning plastic bags at grocery stores in the nation’s second-largest city.

The council voted 13-1 Wednesday to approve a policy that would ban single-use plastic bags.

The ban would take effect later this year after an environmental impact report that is expected to take four months and the council adopts an ordinance.

The city’s program would be modeled after bag bans in 48 other California cities.

The city would allow large stores to phase out plastic bags over six months and then provide free paper bags for another six months. Small retailers would have a year to phase out plastic.

After a year, retailers would be allowed to charge 10 cents for paper bags.

(Source: NY Daily News)

2 Responses

  1. What other nonsense from this mashiguana state. Outlaw cigarettes but permit drugs. This is why California is losing the upper class professionals. High taxes and new laws await everyday

  2. I read online that the bill INCLUDES paper bags as well. I don’t know how ther expect people to go shopping.

    I am very happy to see that the faux concern about plastic /paper bags is the absolute biggest problem plaguing the LA Basin. You LaLaLand folks are getting what you deserve for electing these idiots.

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