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Hachnasas Sefer Torah at Tziyun Dovid HaMelech

Last minute preparations are underway for the Wednesday night, eve of 3 Sivan 5772 hachnasas sefer torah at the tziyun of Dovid HaMelech on Har Tzion. Many admorim and roshei yeshiva have indicated they will be in attendance.

The completion of the sefer will take place between 17:00-18:00 in the Grossman home at 5 Ratzabi Street in the Beis Yisrael area of Yerushalayim. The actual procession towards the Old City is expected to begin at 19:00, and it will be led by the children, the ‘tinokos shel beis rabon’ accompanied by music and dancing. A seudas mitzvah will follow the event.

Over recent years, the tziyun, which is presumed by many as the makom kvura of Dovid HaMelech has gained popularity. There is a daily neitz minyan and a daily recitation of the entire sefer tehillim begins at 16:00 followed by mincha and maariv.

Shabbos: Mincha on erev Shabbos begins a half hour before shekiyah, followed by kabolas Shabbos and maariv. On Shabbos morning, shachris is neitz and mincha is a half hour before shekiyah followed by seudas shlishis, maariv, and melave malka, with over 300 people attending the latter.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. the tziyun, which is presumed by many as the makom kvura of Dovid HaMelech

    We know for a fact that it is not his grave. The Tanach tells us exactly where he is buried: in Ir David, which is south of Har Habayis. Chazal confirm that by telling us that his grave is vented to Nachal Kidron. The so-called “Kever David” is nowhere near there, and it would be impossible for it to vent into Nachal Kidron because there was a valley in between.

    It may however be the site of the new royal burial site that Menasheh started, because the old one was full. It is in approximately the right place for that.

  2. Not a single bona fide archeologist or Jewish historian believes that the Tziyon of Dovid Hamelech on Har Zion is the kever of Dovid Hamelech. That wasn’t even part of Yerushalaim during bais rishon and as a king, Dovid was buried in the city.

  3. #2, it was part of Yerushalayim towards the end of the first Bayis, but not in Dovid’s time. Thus when the tomb that Dovid started filled up, and a new one was needed, Menasheh started one in approximately the same area as this tziyun. Thus it’s possible that this is the location of that tomb, which was the grave of the later kinds of Beis Dovid, and over time that tradition may have become garbled and people may have started calling it “kever Dovid”.

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