Hikind To Address Rally To Protest Sarsour Commencement Speech At CUNY

NY State Assemblyman Dov Hikind (D-Brooklyn) will address a rally at the CUNY offices on 42nd street in Manhattan this Thursday, May 25, to protest the invitation to terrorism apologist Linda Sarsour to keynote CUNY’s Commencement ceremony. Sarsour was invited by Ayman El-Mohandes, dean of CUNY’s Graduate School of Public Health and Health Policy.

“The insensitivity, hypocrisy and irresponsibility at CUNY is almost beyond belief,” said Hikind. “The ultra-left are defending Linda Sarsour’s invitation to deliver a prestigious commencement speech while ignoring the real issue. Sarsour promotes violence. Sarsour glorifies terrorists. This type of person is unacceptable as a commencement speaker. This is something New York State funded schools should distance themselves from, not tacitly approve.”

Hikind praised activist/author Pam Geller for putting together Thursday’s rally. “No else has really done anything,” said Hikind. “It’s more than disappointing—it’s a shocking, deafening silence. Where is the ADL? Where are major Jewish organizations? I was pleased to see a letter from the Catholic League yesterday to CUNY’s Chairman condemning Sarsour’s appearance at the school. Many, many people understand how dangerous Sarsour’s messages are and the terrifying ramifications of CUNY tacitly approving her message. So here is a chance to really be heard. CUNY cleverly scheduled its commencement for the Jewish holiday of Shavuot, making it impossible for observant Jews to attend. So this Thursday’s rally is our one opportunity to stand together and tell CUNY—and everyone who listens—how immoral it is to offer a platform to anyone who applauds terrorism and glorifies terrorists and calls for violence upon the innocent.”


Linda Sarsour in her own words:

April 2, 2017 – Praised convicted PFLP (Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine) terrorist Rasmea Odeh when the two addressed a conference in Chicago on April 2, 2017. Sarsour told the audience she was “honored and privileged to be here in this space, and honored to be on this stage with Rasmea.”

March, 2017 – Told The Nation that you cannot be a Zionist and a Feminist. “Is there room for people who support the state of Israel and do not criticize it in the movement? There can’t be in feminism.”

October 2016 – Praised the Intifada, a movement that encourages random stabbings and rock throwing at Israeli civilians. She tweeted “Intifada has brought us some of the most important coverage and Palestine related news. They are invaluable on many fronts.”

October 11, 2015 – Glorified and encouraged Arab stone throwers who target Israelis by calling them “The definition of courage” and tweeting a photo of a three-year-old with rocks.

August 18, 2015 – Tweeted “Free #Muhammadallan” in support of the jailed Islamic Jihad terrorist who was involved in the recruitment of suicide bombers.

March 8, 2011 – Attacked a Somali-born activist and critic of radical Islam, writing on Twitter that Hirsi Ali deserved to be physically assaulted for her views. “Brigitte Gabriel = Ayaan Hirsi Ali. She’s asking 4 an a$$ whippin’. I wish I could take their vaginas away – they don’t deserve to be women.”

2003 – Expressed regret after U.S. forces captured Iraqi dictator and mass murderer Saddam Hussein, telling Newsday, “my Arab pride was hurt… I felt humiliated by the way Hussein was caught and shown, disheveled and pathetic-looking, on international television.”

(YWN Headquarters – NYC)

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