Divrei Chizuk From Chai Lifeline Offers Strength To Those Struggling With Illness, Loss

Weekly, five minute shiurim on issues surrounding illness and loss, delivered via phone from leading rabbonim and roshei yeshiva, is the newest way that Chai Lifeline is enabling families to cope with adversity.

Divrei Chizuk from Chai Lifeline, the organization’s newest program, provides short weekly shiurim via phone or web. It is a free community service, explained Rabbi Simcha Scholar, executive vice president.

“At our last LH Financial Services Winter Retreat, we were privileged to have Rav Elya Brudny give over some of his knowledge and all his compassion to our families. They were so moved and affected by his presence. Afterwards, we realized that we had the ability as an organization to affect the lives of anyone who is dealing with illness, loss, tragedy, or trauma.”

The shiurim began the week of parshas Tazria-Metzorah; new shiurim are uploaded every Thursday. The first ten shiurim are given by Rav Brudny; Rabbi Simcha Scholar; Rabbi Lipa Geldworth, Khal Kol Torah, Brooklyn; Rabbi Moshe Tuvia Leiff, Agudath Bais Binyomin, Brooklyn; Rabbi Ephraim Shapiro, Congregation Shaarey Tefilah, North Miami Beach; Rabbi Baruch Yehuda Graydon, Rosh Kollel, Torah Center of Los Angeles; Rabbi Yitzchok Sorozkin, Rosh Yeshiva, Telze and Mesivta of Lakewood; Rabbi Eytan Feiner, Congregation Knesseth Israel, Far Rockaway, NY; Rabbi Reuven Fink, Young Israel of New Rochelle; and Rabbi Zev Cohen, Congregation Adas Yeshurun, Chicago.

Response from the rabbonim has been universally positive. “Everyone we’ve spoken to about the project has praised it and agreed to participate,” Rabbi Scholar noted.

Listeners can access the shiurim in several ways.

1. They are sent to the cell phones of people who have registered in advance. (Email your name and cell phone number to [email protected].)

2. Listeners can also call the Divrei Chizuk line, 646-277- 5075 or listen online at www.chailifeline.org/chizuk-line. Past shiurim can be accessed on the page as well.

3. Beginning this week, Chai Lifeline is offering an email reminder with a link to the current shiur. Email [email protected] with the text “join” in the subject line to be added to this group.

Feedback has been excellent so far. “Thank you so much for sending me the invite. You have no idea how timely and much needed this is for me,” was typical among the comments. Thousands of people from around the world are calling in, registering their cell phone numbers or email addresses and accessing the web page every week.

Like all Chai Lifeline programs, Divrei Chizuk from Chai Lifeline is available at no charge.

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