Update on Israeli Found in Cardiac Arrest in Uman

The condition of Simcha Meir ben Rus continues to be serious. He is the male found in his room in Uman in cardiac arrest on Friday evening, an apartment near the tziyun of Rav Nachman.

Local Hatzoloh head R’ Hillel Cohen announced “The young man was hospitalized in a local Uman hospital during Shabbos, remaining unconscious. After consulting with senior physicians in Israel and the United States, it was decided that during the night he was to be transferred to a Kiev hospital for continued treatment. Hatzoloh members remained with him throughout Shabbos”.

The young man is 18, a resident of Israel, and was found in the apartment near the tziyun. It is pointed out that it is most fortunate that Yedidya Meltzer, an instructor for Magen David Adom who has been in Uman where he is giving first aid classes, was present to begin treatment. After prolonged CPR, Meir’s spontaneous pulse returned.

YWN-ISRAEL has learned that MDA instructor Parker is in Uman as part of the MDA Sheirut Ezrachi program and is in the Ukraine to train locals as reported as part of a joint program between MDA and Chabad. In this case, Parker was performing CPR on the victim enroute to the hospital and it was he who is credited with persuading doctors not to pronounce the victim when they arrived.

Parker told doctors who wanted to pronounced the patient dead that “He is young, so please, a few more minutes” and the victim’s pulse returned about 10-15 minutes later during CPR”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. @Moderator- not everyone checks YWN in a place where viewing the Shem H’ is appropriate. Please change the picture that is used when posting for tefillos.
    May all who need our tefillos be helped bikarov!

  2. Getelmen – before posting your comments about Halacha ask a Posek. The poskei HaDor paskin that letters (and words) on a computer screen are not called letters and thus they have no Kedusha. If it would be otherwise, you wouldn’t be able to move from a web page with Hashem’s name, nor could you close the browser or the computer because it would constitute “destroying Hashem’s name”. I heard this from Rav Yitzhak Zilberstein, shlita. I am not aware of any poskim that argue this.

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