Pilot Program Named After Leiby Kletzky To Put Security Cameras In Borough Park, Flatbush

The $1 million pilot program funded by a grant from State Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos will purchase about 150 security cameras, to be placed in the Borough Park and Flatbush neighborhoods of Brooklyn.

The initiative is named after Leiby Kletzky, the eight-year-old boy who disappeared and then was found murdered last summer.

“If we can save one life out of this,” Skelos told 1010 WINS’ Terry Sheridan, “then the investment by the state will be worthwhile. We will have accomplished so much.”

The cameras would actually be owned and operated by private community groups.

“I don’t even want to talk about it all that much,” Assemblyman Dov Hikind said. “But we’ve had many incidents of anti-Semitism, and we talked about Leiby Kletzky.”

And as he and both Sen. Skelos said, they’re also cognizant of the possible target of terrorism.

“The concern of terrorism everywhere is a concern to us,” Hikind concluded.

(Source: WCBSTV)

7 Responses

  1. You won’t save a single life with these cameras. You won’t stop a crime with these cameras. You will increase the ability of police to track innocent people, and take away their privacy (such as Jewish people during a modern day pogrom). This is a horrible end to a tragic story. You can’t police your way to a good society. This money could have gone to education and community improvement, which would have created a lasting positive effect. Once democracy is entirely lost, we’ll have ourselves to blame. 1984, here we come.

  2. This idea sounds great and should make things safer.
    However, 150 cameras at $1,000,000 puts each camera at $6,666.00. Am I missing something?

  3. Yerach, what about wiring and power for the cameras, cement work for the poles, monitors installs to watch somewhere…a monitoring solution is much more than just a camera.
    And I’m not sure that the entire grant has been used on this initial installation.

  4. Dear Concerned Citizen…
    Although I hear what you are trying to get at… I believe that with people knowing that there are official cameras out there, they will think twice before doing something silly and may therefore prevent crime.

  5. 4 and 6: Yes, there are definitely infrastructire costs. However, it’s hard for me to believe that the average cost of each cameral “location” will be over $6k. They are not putting up new poles to hang these cameras on. They will surely be utilizing existing structures (poles, buildings, etc). I’m not suggesting anything crooked here, just wonderding if the numbers are correct or if we are missing something basic.

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