Israeli High Schoolers Lost Nebach While the System Attacks Chareidi Chinuch

Yes, there are problems in the chareidi community but not anything like the violence and all that accompanies the secular lifestyle of many Israeli public schools. As the left-wing and anti-religious in Eretz Yisrael remain committed to compelling the chareidi schools to comply with their educational agenda, the reality in the nation’s public schools becomes increasingly worrisome by the day. Nevertheless, the anti-religious manage to keep the chareidi tzibur in the spotlight, viewing the tzibur as its sacrificial lamb for all that is wrong with Israel today.

The latest scandal surrounds a group of students from a Herzliya school that visited Poland, a visit to the death camps and all that entails. It now appears the students used the opportunity of being out of the country and away from their parents to use narcotics and they were quite stoned as they visited the Nazi death camps, ghettos and other site associated with such a trip. According to a Yediot Achronot report, the high schoolers purchased the drugs locally, in Poland.

Apparently some of the teachers suspected something was wrong as many students were acting strangely. Eventually, some of the students who did not use the drugs informed the teachers what was going on. Following their return home they were questioned by police and many of the students admitted to using hashish.

Representing some of the students is attorney Eyal Ochaiyon, who decried the actions of police, insisting a criminal investigation is unnecessary, referring to his clients as “regular normative teens”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

9 Responses

  1. The Israel public schools are highly successful at their goal of producing good secular Israelis. Violence isn’t necessarily a “bug” since a country that is continuously at war, and with zero peace prospects, needs to have people who are born and bred to being violent. Psycotic drugged bullies make good soldiers.

    When the Israelis talk about breaking up the yeshivos and drafting hareidim, it is with the interntion of making them “normal” Israelis – the goal has nothing to do with national defense.

  2. Unfortunately, this sort of thing happens frequently in yeshiva high schools in the us. To point the finger and say that, or imply, that this is indicative of how secular students act is irresponsible. I grew up in the NY area and many yeshivas have serious situations like this, significant drug use, it is not just secular communities.

  3. anther great story by Yeshiva world. The ‘charred tzibbur’ has no issues at a lll.No child abuse, no drugs, no alcohol problems, just a wonderful beautiful community. i mean its so chaashuv the chareidi schools don’t allow kids to play ball chas vvesholom. The charred school system is a dump and faliur and because a few kids got high in Poland the chaareidim won’t serve in the army….GET REAL….reprt something real

  4. Surely, it is not a good situation by the non religious society. However, I do not beleive that it is healthy for us to focus on their lacks. We are more likely to grow by looking mainly inside of our own society to see what we can improve. Looking down at others will not bring us growth it only gives an artificial feeling of height which realy only brings to smallness.
    May we be zoche to better ourselves in such a way so that all our fellow Jews will positively envy us learn to appreciate Torah and will join us together in the true service of Hashem.

  5. Such wacked up teens..
    Please let the pleasantness and happiness of Torah living wake them up to a beautiful reality.

  6. Psychotic drugged bullies make good soldiers? I think you’re either psychotic or drugged. That makes zero sense.

  7. Typical of the breed. To think we got sidetracked in Beis Shemesh about socks versus stockings. The real issue is the erev rav schools and their teachings.

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