Rush Limbaugh Calls VP Biden ‘Deranged’

Rush Limbaugh on Thursday accused Vice President Joe Biden not only of being “deranged” during a recent speech criticizing Mitt Romney, but also of committing the “destruction” of America’s economy.

“So Joe Biden is off the reservation…. Two days in a row now he’s gone nuts,” said Limbaugh on his afternoon talk show. “When you see Biden’s face, when you see his eyes, when you see the facial expressions … well, I wouldn’t call it demonic. I’d call it deranged.”

Speaking at an Ohio manufacturing plant Wednesday, a fiery Biden didn’t name Romney when he said, “My mother and father dreamed as much as any rich guy dreams. They don’t get us. They don’t get who we are.” But there was little doubt who the implied target was.

Limbaugh left zero doubt about his own target.

“You, Vice President Biden, are responsible for this destruction of the U.S. economy,” he said, according to a transcript of the show. “You are responsible for irresponsible debt creation. You are responsible for people all over this country thinking it’s over for their own kids and grandkids.”

“Nobody associates economic growth with you. Nobody associates prosperity with you or the Democrat Party. Nobody associates escalating opportunity and the opportunity to become a millionaire with the Democrat Party,” he added.

Limbaugh speculated that Biden is desperate not to lose his spot on the presidential ticket.

“When you see Biden … he looks off balance, out of kilter, not all there in the eyes. It is the strangest, strangest thing,” said Limbaugh. “One of the theories is that Biden is genuinely fearful that they’re gonna get rid of him, and he’s doing everything he can to stay on the ticket.”

The conservative radio host also posited that recent poll results are worrying the Obama campaign.

“So one of the theories is that everybody on the Obama side is panicking right now because nobody thought that Obama would be where he is in the polls,” he said.

(Source: The Hill)

9 Responses

  1. Biden is a moron. I don’t mean that as an insult, I mean it in the literal sense. He is a person of relatively low intelligence. He is very ill-informed, but the one real talent he has is for making things up on the fly, and telling them so convincingly that he appears to the similarly-uninformed to know what he’s talking about.

  2. Rush calling anybosy deranged is a case of the pot calling the kettle black.
    Vice president Biden may not be everybody’s ideal politician, but unlike Rush, he has never had a drug problem.

  3. Moose613: some people don’t need drugs to become deranged it comes naturally. Plugs has never been accused of being cerebral but now he’s showing the world that he’s also delusional. He sounded exactly like Howard Dean another Dembot.

  4. Biden is NOT deranged. He’s a blow-hard. He loves the sound of his own voice. He is, however, intelligent and thoughtful.

    Unlike Limbaugh, Biden IS an embodiment of “family values”. His wife and one of his children died just after he won his first term in the Senate. Biden commuted to Washington so he could be be a “hands-on” father for his kids. Limbaugh, on the other hand, has been divorced THREE TIME and has such a big ego that there is no room in his life for a child of his own. Now THAT”S real American family values for you, isn’t it.

  5. 3. So admitting you were on drugs makes someone deranged? I will bet someone in your family has or had a drug (alcohol ) problem.

  6. #3, how do you know?

    And what’s wrong with having had a problem with prescription drugs? It’s a known side-effect, and could happen to anyone. What’s it got do with being deranged, as Biden clearly is, and as Limbaugh is clearly not?

  7. #5, Biden “intelligent and thoughtful”?! What a joke! And “family values?! What sort of children did he bring up? Just because his wife was killed, that suddenly makes him a wonderful person?! I’d also like to know what exactly you think is wrong with being divorced three times. How do you know the divorces were his fault; maybe some or all of them were the other side’s fault? Most divorces are initiated by women, after all.

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