Breitbart: Literary Agent Exposes Obama As Being Born In Kenya has gotten its hands on a literary promotional document from 1991, in which Barack Obama’s biography says he is “born in Kenya, and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii”

According to the report by Joel Pollack at, the booklet was part of a promoting a literary agency, Acton & Dystel, with a list of its stable of authors.

The reporters at Breitbart say they do not believe that it casts doubt on the birth certificate that shows Barack Obama was born in Hawaii. From a note that accompanies the report:

It is evidence–not of the President’s foreign origin, but that Barack Obama’s public persona has perhaps been presented differently at different times.

The larger point the authors of this report want to make is that Obama and people around Obama have manipulated his identity, and that for a long time he cultivated a more “international” identity.

(Click on image to enlarge)

You can read the whole thing at


16 Responses

  1. More convincing would be some document showing his mother was ever in Kenya. Then of course, you still have the issue of whether an American born overseas is a “natural” born citizen. If she was too poor to follow her “husband” (note that they weren’t validly married) to the mainland, she would have had a harder time going to Kenya (and transportation was a lot more expensive back then).

  2. Once again the headline contradicts the article. The article says clearly (and in my opinion correctly) that this is not evidence of 0bama’s birthplace but of the way he has manipulated his image to suit his convenience. When his agent was trying to market him as an author, he allowed the agent to claim that he was born in an exotic location, and that his father was a finance minister, even though he knew it wasn’t true. That’s the point of the article.

  3. @millhouse I think the headline is correct (now). What was written in the booklet did ‘expose him AS’ being born in kenya, whether or not its accurate.

  4. #3, he didn’t say he was born in Kenya, his agent did. He merely didn’t correct him. Note that his father was never a finance minister, and he didn’t correct that either. But really this is nonsense; author’s blurbs are pure marketing, and one should never take their claims as the truth. And the article acknowledges that; the whole point of the article is that 0bama’s whole persona is marketing.

    0bama is Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Man. Everything about him is manufactured and focus-group tested, and he changes as it suits him. When it pays to have been born in an exotic location, he was born there; when it pays to be a Xian he is one and when it pays not to be he forgets about it; when it pays to be a militarist and celebrate the killing of an enemy he brings out the jingo; and when it pays to play the race card he’s there too. There’s nothing genuine about him.

  5. We see a pattern here where liberals (Elizabeth Warren and Barack Obama) seek to promote themselves by playing the race/minority card to provoke “diversity.” It is just another revelation about the most suspicious and secretive White House ever (ironically the one who touts transparency).

  6. #4, “expose” means to reveal the truth. In this case it almost certainly isn’t the truth. We know that the claim that his father was a finance minister was not true.

  7. Read the story as it is reported @ Then read the follow up story by Ben Shapiro on the same site.

  8. I don’t know what’s wrong with you people! This thing definitely says he was born in Kenya! For sure that’s the truth! Who cares if his father wasn’t finance minister?! The man is a bold faced liar, about everything, and he should be held up to it. I always knew he wasn’t born in America, and this should prove it. Why are we just saying, “Oh, he’s just presenting a persona”! For pete’s sake, he’s the biggest fraud ever perpetrated on the American people! He belongs in jail.

  9. remember people, that during his first campaign, his grandmother spoke out saying “I’m so proud of my grandson Barak, I remember being at my daughter’s bedside when she gave birth to him in the Kenyan hospital.”
    Then 5 days later she died !

  10. So he is a pathological liar. When is he telling the truth? What is the truth with this person? One thing we know and that is a socialist with a major chip on his shoulder for everything good about the USA. The other thing we know to be true is that he is in WAY over his head and he should NOT be reelected in 2012!

  11. Which is the most trustworthy source – a cheap press junket from a publisher looking to build sensationalism – or certified US government records?

    Can we stop with this baloney? It’s embarrassing.

  12. his grandmother spoke out saying “I’m so proud of my grandson Barak, I remember being at my daughter’s bedside when she gave birth to him in the Kenyan hospital.”

    No, she didn’t.

  13. I don’t know what’s wrong with you people! This thing definitely says he was born in Kenya!

    So what? How does that make it true? It’s a blurb for crying out loud. Nobody expects it to stick to the truth.

    For sure that’s the truth! Who cares if his father wasn’t finance minister?!

    That proves that the blurb is not reliable, just like most such blurbs.

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