Toronto: Controversial Islamic School Ordered Out of Public School Property

The board revoked the permit for the East End Madrassah, a Sunday school for Muslim children, citing an ongoing police investigation into alleged anti-Semitic course material.

East End Madrassah came under fire earlier this month after Jewish groups objected to material posted on its website.

A curriculum document compared Judaism with Nazism and said that “treacherous jews” had killed Islam’s Prophet.

TDSB spokeswoman Shari Schwartz-Maltz says East End Madrassah will have to find a new meeting place until the police investigation is complete, adding the board has also requested a meeting with school officials to ensure their teachings are in line with the board’s policies.

Jewish groups praised the board’s decision, calling it an excellent first step.

David Spiro, Toronto co-chair of the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs, said he hopes the TDSB will eventually sever all ties with the school.


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