ALERT- Construction Begins Tonight on Ocean Parkway Repaving

Councilman David G. Greenfield is reminding residents that construction is beginning on Ocean Parkway tonight, Monday, May 15th. The work will begin each night at 9 p.m. and end each morning at 5 a.m., though on weekends the crews will work until 7:00 a.m.

Crews for the $6.7 million project will be repaving Ocean Parkway from Church Avenue to Avenue N until May 27th. Phase two of the project will take place from May 29th to June 10th. That will be spent repaving the stretch from Avenue N to Coney Island.

“The good news is that Ocean Parkway is finally getting repaved. The bad news is that anytime you have a repaving that will inherently cause lots of traffic,” Greenfield said. “I’m happy to say that a safer, smoother Ocean Parkway is coming very soon and am grateful to Governor Cuomo for providing the funding for the project and Senator Felder and Assemblyman Hikind for their advocacy.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

5 Responses

  1. Repaving Ocean Parkway is much appreciated. However I wanted to point out that since the entire ocean parkway became a speed-trap I hardly use it. With a speed limit of 25 MPH I honestly believe a dirt road will suffice. I really hope the same politicians who helped with the funding to smooth the road to raising the speed limit to at least 30 MPH.

  2. Revised
    Repaving Ocean Parkway is much appreciated. However I wanted to point out that since the entire ocean parkway became a speed-trap I hardly use it. With a speed limit of 25 MPH I honestly believe a dirt road will suffice. I really hope the same politicians who helped with the funding to smooth the road will also smooth the road to raising the speed limit to at least 30 MPH.

  3. Mr. Councilman, please tend to the traffic lights patterns and turning restrictions recently placed on Ocean Parkway. They are onerous and silly! Please get them changed!
    Okay brilliant bureaucrats at D.O.T. – you tried something now please concede they didn’t accomplish their intended goal! They’re in fact, stupid!

  4. Ocean Parkway has become an impossible road to navigate, as between the speed cameras and illegal turns it’s a huge cash cow, taxpaying constituents be darned. While it’s nice to see that they’ll be repaving it, one can’t help but feel that it’s just refurbishment of a prison cell.

  5. with the new, lower speed limit, who needs repaving. going so slow as it is, dont even realize road isnt properly paved.

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