AWOL IDF Inductee Found in Meah Shearim

IDF military police arrived in Meah Shearim on Wednesday morning. They were looking for a number of people, men and women who did not file to be excused from military service nor did they report for basic training, hence they are AWOL (Absent Without Official Leave).

The police entered a few buildings during their search for a female who never declared she is not serving because she is frum, albeit leaving without success.

They were more successful in their search for a male who never bothered visiting an induction center to secure his deferment. The Toldos Aaron chossid was taken into custody due to his AWOL status.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. Maybe they should spend more time looking for terrorists instead of people whose only crime was not doing the proper paperwork to be exempted from the army.

    But then again, which is a big threat to zionism: hareidim or Arab terrorists?

  2. When you live in a country, figure out the laws that require compliance…. Pay yearly IRS liability in USA or you will run down, take care of exemptions in Israel or you will be hunted down.
    They are doing their job, and who knows what terrorists they may find from those that did not fulfill their citizenship requirements.

  3. #2- the analogy to the IRS is valid if the IRS were seen spending sums of money to chase down poor taxpayers for minor offenses — in fact the IRS concentrates its resources on the affluent since that is the way to maximize revenue.

    Chasing people who would not be draftable to make them fill out the forms saying they aren’t draftable is a waste of money.

  4. akuperma, there is a mitzva called Dina d’Malchusa Dina. According to most poskim it’s a mitzva min haTorah. It gives the right to the malchus/government to raise taxes and draft people into the army. Eretz Israel, charedim, you, and I are not exempt. Any objection to the mitzva akuperma?

  5. there is a mitzva called Dina d’Malchusa Dina.

    Really? Suddenly it became a mitzvah? When did this happen?

    According to most poskim it’s a mitzva min haTorah.

    Tell me please where in the Torah it’s written. From which possuk is it derived. You clearly have no idea what you’re talking about.

    DdMD is not a mitzvah, it’s not in the Torah, it does not create an obligation to fill in paperwork, and according to many rishonim it doesn’t even apply in Eretz Yisroel.

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