6:38AM IL: [PHOTOS & VIDEOS IN EXTENDED ARTICLE] In what is being called “An unprecedented collapse of the transportation” thousands of persons are stranded in Meron and on buses headed to the tziyun.
According to reliable but yet unconfirmed reports, a machlokes between senior police commanders and officials of the transportation authority has resulted in police literally closing Meron, not permitting empty buses in to pick up mispallalim wishing to return home, not permitting mispallalim to arrive and not permitting vans carrying handicapped persons into Meron.
YWN-ISRAEL has received reports that at least one van carrying disabled persons has reported the passengers are feeling ill and some are vomiting and despite pleas from the driver, police will not permit him to pass and head into Meron. People heading to Meron are getting off buses and walking miles rather than sit in traffic.
Accompanying photos include Meron as well as command centers of various agencies involved in the operation.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)
10 Responses
Happened last year. Will probably happen again.
I just got out Of Meron without a problem, it’s a lot better then last year. We were expecting alot worse.
It’s not “unprecedented” when it happened the past two years already. It’s just different excuses each year.
Just like last time לג בעומר was after shabbos. And not “unprecedented”.
I was afraid to go to big events like this in Israel. Something always seems to go wrong and those responsible never face consequences.
we are only seeing a little snippet of what when on over there when the police would not allow them to board buses, so i’m not going to comment on exactly why the police chose to prevent them from boarding. but, one thing i know for sure without seeing the whole picture and i don’t think anyone can argue with me on this: there is very little respect, on both sides, between the police and the chareidim. this is nothing new. when i was a yeshiva bochur in israel, over 50 years ago, the mutual animosity was exactly the same.
NUSACH ISRAEL,,, We’re used to it,, we didn’t expect any improvements this year, their promises is worthless, can’t trust anyone, i didn’t even bother going there
The clip of police not allowing people to board “empty buses” shows the bus to be full. If the US news media engage in fake news, what can we say about the Israeli media?
A van full of vomiting handicapped people has no buisiness going to Meron.Proceed straight to the ED.
Do not pass go.
Do not collect 200$.
Sounds like the police finaly made a competent decision.
I’m sorry but this site is far from “Yeshiva” and “frum”. Why do you publicize the one or 2 very heavy load of people leaving Meron. What about all the hard work put in from many many organizations including police that made everything EXTREMELY smooth the rest of the day. Some of my family went up and got there 4am and left 6:30 am. Very organized!
I arrived 1:30pm and left 4pm again EXTREMELY nice service and no pushing