Facebook Page Calls for a “Holocaust” Against the Chareidim

A person calling himself Ari Roter wrote on his Facebook page on Monday night, “We need to make another Holocaust. Throw all the chareidim there!! I am calling on Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to halt any and all stipends to chareidim and to separate religion and state. Enough!!!!”

“It is a shame that Hitler did not finish the job. … I stand behind every word here”.

Arutz-7 reported that it appears Roter deleted the user account to prevent being apprehended.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. that some idiot on facebook write something like that is not something to be concerned about. But when prominent journalist Yaron London recently wrote the same exact thing is an opinion piece on ynetnews, the world should have been up in arms. the silence is deafening.

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